Working Things Out? - Outsiders
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G'Win was shocked by the return of Foster, but she decided to let him have his circle when he had a rest. At the circle, the elders chose to banish him, but G'Win said she would think about it. 

The next day he met her and apologized for his sins, while he was destroyed when he learned that there that Asa was dead and got upset when some of the men trashed him. 

Margan tried to go wherever the power was and it seemed like there was some chemistry between her and G'Win. 

Wade went to visit Haylie, who decided to make the system think that Breece worked for them for longer and that meant Ledda could use the insurance. 

However, Wade was shocked to the core when he realized the treatment would still cost over $130,000 and set out to sell his house. He was shocked to learn it was worth $15,000. 

Sally Ann went to abort her baby, but she was told to return in 24 hours. Her brother flipped at her so she ran off up the mountain and was greeted by butterflies and the red haired child. 

She walked up the mountain with her, but we don't know where she went. 

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Outsiders Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Get him cleaned up and get him to a bed. He'll get his circle first light. Take him to Li'l Fosters and he's not to leave the house. Be eyes on him.


You are the rightful Brenin. My faith is in your hands.
