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The cops, including Lt. Bobby DiFranco, are on the scene of Chewy's murder. Bobby talks to a man on the streets whom he pays for information. He tells him that Chewy flipped from CBI to Treason.

Tommy interrupts Diamond hooking up to tell him that he killed Chewy. The two disagree on that being the correct move, as Diamond reminds him to focus on the money and make smart moves.

Jenard tells his guys that Chewy is dead, and okays their desire to kill Tommy.

Tommy sees Vic at Gloria's grave and offers him a spot with CBI, but he declines.

Walter and Paulie meet with Michael, who wants them to move a bad batch of pills. They agree and plan on pushing them on the south side.

Claudia sleeps with Brendan, and afterward, she asks him about the deal between Walter and Dublin. He tells her that if Walter doesn't bring in more money, there will no longer be a Flynn organization.

Diamond visits Jenard and warns him against going after Tommy.

Walter wants Vic to sell the pills on Jenard's territory, but Vic says no and tells him to ask Claudia.

Diamond's PO shows up unexpectedly at the barbershop, so Tommy heads to meet Miguel alone. While outside, the Serbs shoot at them, wounding Tommy in the abdomen.

Jenard tells his men not to go after Tommy, but one disagrees and walks out.

Walter gives Claudia the same plea he formerly took to Vic about selling the pills.

Stacy informs her people that the task force wasn't approved.

While Mireya helps patch Tommy up, he overhears Miguel's men talking about a drop scheduled for the next day. On his way out, he sees Miguel's grandmother arrive, and she promptly ignores him.

Claudia finds Vic at a local bar, and tells him they'll lose everything if Walter doesn't fulfill the deal with Dublin.

Miguel's grandmother questions Miguel about Tommy, and he tells her they need to fight back against the Serbs.

Stacy asks for help within the Department of Justice in getting the task force started, and she's informed that if she can prove Tommy has connections to the Mexican cartel and can get the backing of the Chicago PD, she'll get her task force.

The Treason defector tells Shanti that Treason is tanking.

Tommy and Diamond want to capitalize on the Miguel and Serbs beef.

While at the liquor store, Vic gets busy with a girl in the back. When the owner demands they come out, Vic pops out with his gun and then robs the store. Later, while drinking and driving, Vis is pulled over by the cops and tased before being arrested.

Miguel meets with the cartel boss at a club, and is told they will not be going after the Serbs. And if Miguel disobeys, he'll take Mireya.

Mirković comes to see Jenard, who tells him that he needs more time to get the pipeline going. Mirković tells him he'll keep making payments until he gives him the territory. And after paying him, Jenard no longer has the money to pay Miguel.

Later, Shanti gives Jenard the money to pay Miguel as a loan.

Walter waits for Vic as he's released from jail, and tells him that he needs him back in the business. Vic agrees only if Claudia is gone.

Tommy, Diamond, and CBI ambush two Serbs, taking their bodies and truck. They then go to the drop and ambush the cartel and Miguel's men before stealing the product. Later, Miguel and his men arrive and find a dead Serb, unaware that Tommy and Diamond planted him there. Miguel then declares war on the Serbs.

Walter tells Claudia she's out in favor of Vic.

Tommy and Diamond discuss building their territories while Miguel and the Serbs fight with each other.

Shanti tells Jenard that his crew doesn't trust him.

Talking to Gloria's grave, Vic tells her that his loyalty is only to her. And he's going to take Walter down from the inside.

While eating in his car, Tommy is shot at by the Treason defector. He gets away, but a young girl on the street with her family gets shot and dies.

Bobby receives a call while out with Stacy, and he ends their night before heading to the scene of the young girl's murder. He then calls Stacy to tell her that this murder won't be a good look for the department, and she will get her task force.

Power Book IV: Force
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Power Book IV: Force Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Tommy: What's up, Vic?
Vic: What the fuck, Tommy? You following me?
Tommy: Following you? Fuck is you talking about. You ain't Waldo, motherfucker.

Diamond: We have to make smart moves. Or we won't be alive to spend this money.
Tommy: You know, my old partner used to say that same shit to me all the time.