A Difficult Decision - Queen Sugar
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Nova is shocked to see that her newspaper changed most of her article about the teens kneeling for the national anthem but instead printed “Woke Black Teens Cause Trouble at Basketball Classic.” Her editor says she’s been labeled a black identity extremist and that she should lie low for a while because she is adversely affecting the paper’s advertising. 

Ralph Angel struggles with Blue acting out over missing Darla, His parole officer has good news. Ralph Angel is up for early release from parole. He also encourages Ralph Angel to hire some other parolees to work on the farm. 

Micah wants to attend St. Josephine’s high school, but Charley says no, until she sees the photos he took at the basketball game. Micah says that St. Josephine’s is a place where he feels like he belongs and doesn’t have to justify being there even though he’s black. Charley relents and says they’ll give it a try. 

The leaded video of Officer Orson goes viral and he faces both losing his job, and possible criminal charges. Charley feels like a bit of justice was served, but Davis wonders if this was good for Micah. 

Jacob Boudreaux tries to woo Charley, who plays along. Remy is upset because he feels that Charley is tricking her own people by not letting the know that Landry now owns the Queen Sugar Mill. Charley says the important part is that the farmers have their fixed rate for five years. 

Charley later learns that the Landrys are in serious debt and wonders why they spent the money to buy her mill. 

The grocery store chain asks Violet to double her order of pies for the week. They promise her the central display in the store and to boost her royalty by 25%. But when Vi’s oven breaks down, she tries to make the pies at the High Yellow and ends up losing her job. Then she makes a deal with the woman of St. Agnes for the use of their ovens in exchange for 10% of her profits. 

When the family heads to the grocery store to see the display, the pies are off to the side. Vi breaks down, saying that at 60 years old she’s not going to be told to stand aside and wait her turn any longer. Everyone pitches in and moves the pies to the central display area. 

Hollywood gets his settlement check and wants to celebrate.

Charley meets Romero, a handsome, good samaritan who helps her when her car battery dies. She takes his phone number.

Nova decides to quit the newspaper and take the book deal.  


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Queen Sugar Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

With your mom, everything's logic. Everything. Put together an air tight argument, you might have a shot.


Remy: So this is you now? Tricking your own people into giving you their business so that you can turn around and give it to the Landrys.
Charley: Or they could just give it to them directly, at a higher percentage. It doesn't matter who really owns the mill as long as the farmers get the break they need.
Remy: I guess it depends on what you're giving up to get it.
Charley: Hey, I'm the good guy here.
Remy: Yet your hands are getting dirty.
Charley: Well if they are that's because that's what happens to people who are actually trying to change things instead of, I don't know, live on the sidelines.