Violet's 60th Birthday - Queen Sugar
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Violet learns that Rollings wants to own 60% of her business in this new deal to expand. She plans to make a counteroffer. 


It’s Violet’s 60th birthday and Hollywood’s mother, Willa Mae, shows up unexpectedly to help celebrate. She gives Violet a Vi’s Prized Pies apron she had custom made, but privately she asks Hollywood if he’s giving up too many of his dreams, like kids, to be with Vi. 


Hollywood throws Violet a surprise birthday party. Afterward, she tells him she wants to keep Bordelon as her last name but Hollywood is upset. This time Willa Mae takes Vi’s side. Later they talk it out and decide to have the big wedding that Hollywood has wanted. 


Darla has spent all week finishing Blue’s new room and bought tickets to the children’s museum but Ralph Angel forgot to tell her it was Violet’s birthday. Ralph Angel invites Trinh to the party. She heads out with him and Blue to get ice and Darla sees them all together. Later, Darla asks that they come up with an official schedule for Blue so that there are no more misunderstandings.  


Charley sees the newspaper where Davis admits to having a secret love child. She calls Romero, whom she’s run into twice and the two meet up at a diner to get to know one another better. Jacob Boudreaux wants to take Charley out on a proper date but she turns him down and says she needs time to sort things out. 


Benny apologizes to Ralph Angel and asks for a second chance. Ralph Angel gives it to him and lets him keep his job. 


Nova interviews Prosper about farming. The Landry’s would never sell him the farmland, only lease it to him. Prosper tells Nova that Ernest was suicidal after True died, which upsets Nova. She and Remy get closer at the party. 

Charley’s investigator learns that the Landry’s are evicting their tenants in order to use their property to win a government contract to build a private jail in St. Josephine, but they can’t get the contract until they have the Bordelon’s land too. 

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Queen Sugar Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Kids says things they don't always mean; adults do too.


Baby, the box is empty because you're a woman who knows what she wants and whatever you want for your birthday I'm going to fill that box up with it because nothing is too good for Ms. Violet Bordelon.
