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Aunt Vi is desperate to get a big order filled and enlists Nova’s help. Nova gets Violet to open up about her dreams and her business for the book, but Vi refuses to talk about her Lupus.

The Rollings (owner of the grocery store) invite Violet over for dinner. They want to invest in Vi’s Prize Pies. He wants to see her pies in every store freezer with her face on the box. Violet is excited and agrees to check out his proposal. 

The news about Davis’ extra-marital affair and 13-year-old daughter become public and all the kids at Micah’s school are talking about it. KeKe offers to talk to him after school but he blows her off to hang out with his new friends. Then when some guys in a pickup truck with a Confederate flag hassle them, Micah stands up to the racist bullies. His friends are impressed. 

Blue pushed another kid off the swing at school. Darla’s upset that Ralph Angel never told her. She tries to talk to Blue but he dodges her questions. When Darla shows Blue her new home with a room for him, he admits that the kid said she didn’t love him anymore. Darla swears she'll never leave him.

Darla signs up for an Accounting course. 

Ralph Angel and Trinh go out on a date and share their first kiss. 

When Darla brings Blue back to Ralph Angel’s, they find a group of Benny’s friends playing cards and causing a ruckus. Ralph Angel kicks Benny out, then he and Darla fight. Blue says he wants to go back to Darla’s. Darla says she wants an equal stake in Blue’s life. 

Charley comes across a surveying crew on Prosper’s land. They’re working for Jacob Boudreaux and they know nothing about environmental issues or the EPA. They’re there for a different project but they won’t tell Charley anything about it. It appears Landry is clearing people off of his land, but Charley doesn’t know why.

Nova shows up at Charley’s late in the evening. She wants to be there for sister, but Charley blows her off. She’s tired and doesn’t want to talk about any of it. 


Charley burns all of the magazine articles featuring. Nova spends the day avoiding texts from Remy then eventually sends one back saying they can’t do this. Ralph Angel cleans up the mess that Benny’s friends left and is heartbroken that Blue chose to go home with Darla. 

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Queen Sugar Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Violet: Mama raised me to be a wife and mother. I thought that's what I was supposed to do but it just wasn't me. I wanted my own dream.
Nova: What was it?
Violet: That was the problem. I didn't know at the time.

Nova: You do remember I'm just a writer, right?
Violet: Nova Bordelon you grew up in my kitchen on my hip. I taught you everything I know.