Tearing the Family Apart - Queen Sugar
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Ralph Angel starts The Ernest Bordelon Re-Entry Program for people out of prison. He offers jobs to ten former felons on the farm. Bennie hears the rumor that Blue isn’t Ralph Angel’s biological child. He tells his own biological father never stepped up and that he’s proud to work for someone like Ralph Angel. 


Nova tries to visit Vi and Hollywood at the diner but they have Rhonda turn her away at the door. Nova tries to call Ralph Angel and Charley but neither will answer her calls. 


Violet continues to be haunted by thoughts of Jimmy Dale and occasionally hears his voice even when he’s not there. 


Charley and Romero start the free clinic for migrants. 


Charley’s investigator learns who is sending Micah the death threats. The man is in police custody. He was working on his own and sent hateful, threatening letters to several people. Micah thanks his mother for handling it. 


Charley’s investigator also learns that the Landry’s misfiled the permits on a large parcel of land in order to hide their real plan to build a business center on the site. They’ve arranged for a new highway to cut through St. Josephine and they are doing everything they can to get Jacob Boudreaux a seat on the city council. The route for the proposed highway would take black farmers’ land, including part of the Bordelon farm. 


Isabel, the current city councilwoman tells Charley she’s stepping down to make room for Jacob Boudreaux. She says the highway plan cannot be stopped. The Landrys are working with the Federal government on this. There are deep pockets involved and this is a battle that Charley cannot win. 


There is so much buzz around Nova’s book that her publisher is sending her on a six week national tour to promote her book. She’s thrilled but sad that her family won’t attend her book launch event.  


Davis is retiring from professional basketball and taking a coaching position at Baylor University.

Davis brings over his daughter, Tia, as a surprise to introduce to Micah, but says he didn’t expect Charley to be there. Charley is gracious to the girl and says she will always be welcome to spend time with Micah, but tells Davis she won’t be backdoored into raising his child.


During an event for her book, Nova shares the story of three white men who threatened to sexually assault her when she was 10 and on a fishing trip with Ernest. Later, she saw Ernest burying something large in the cane field. She never knew what it was but she never saw those white men again, and they never again went fishing. 


Charley and Ralph Angel ask Violet about this new story about Ernest. Violet says she never knew exactly what happened and they don’t need to know. She says not everybody has to know what someone holds in their soul. 


Later, Violet tells Hollywood she’s taking a bath before bed but he can hear her crying into a towel in the bathroom. 


Chantal comes to see Nova at her book signing event and asks if she wants to get together later, but Nova turns her down.  


Carla reads the chapter about her and confronts Nova. Nova says she used a different name to try and protect Darla and thought she, above anyone, would understand how a story like hers could life people up. Carla is furious. She says everyone in St. Jo’s will know Nova is writing about her and these are things she never wanted Blue to have to know. Carla tells Nova that she’s stolen other people’s memories and used them in her book. 


Feeling down, Nova calls Chantal late at night and asks her to come over. Chantal tells her that if she wants to talk about what’s going in with her family, she’ll listen, but she’s not going to be used just for sex on Nova’s terms. Nova tells her never mind, and hangs up. 

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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Charley: We’ve spread the word that we’re a designated safe zone. A sensitive location, right? No ICE raids allowed.
Romero: I know but with all the hate in the air, people are afraid of ICE regardless. I mean, they’re raiding schools and churches. Nowhere is truly safe.

Micah: I don’t know why they think the silent treatment is going to solve anything.
Nova: There was a lot of anger in the moment but it’ll pass.
Micah: I don’t know. It’s like when my Mom and Dad broke up. I didn’t think we would get to where we could be in the same room again.
Nova: But you all got through it. It wasn’t overnight, but you got there. It’s the same with this. All I can do is let everybody know I love them and how important they are to me and in time this will be over.