Baby Shower - Queen Sugar
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Violet takes the time to rest up before Darla’s baby shower. She’s taken aback to find out that Hollywood still texts with Gabriel.

Blue is home. Ralph Angel tells him that he did something desperate, and because of it, they may need to move off of the farm for a while.

Charley throws Darla and Ralph Angel a baby shower. Nova invites Dominic, who gets to meet the family. Darla thanks everyone for being there for her, especially Charley, Vi, and Hollywood.

Billie tells Nova she’s considering staying in St. Jo’s permanently.

Micah talks to Nova about his growing feelings for Isaiah and how he’s confused about what that means. Nova tells him to stop trying to lead his feelings and let his feelings lead him. That he doesn’t need to put so much pressure on himself to come up with answers.

Ralph Angel presents Darla’s idea of a Farm co-op to the group. Everyone who got a settlement check can pull their resources to buy more farmland.

Dominic has information about the bones that were found on the Bordelon farm. They’re from the late 1800s and from multiple people. This could have been a mass gravesite after the Thibodaux massacre of 1887 when black farmers tried to join a union and were slaughtered by white farmers. Nova hopes that this means the land might be considered a historical site, and the farm could be saved.

Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Violet: I didn’t expect you to stop connecting with the boy even though his Mama is some kind of nutty.
Hollywood: Lord, she’s a whole bag of mixed nuts. But, hey, it ain’t Gabe’s fault. Right?

I know everybody’s dealing with their own battles right now, but we still need to take time to rejoice.
