I know everybody’s dealing with their own battles right now, but we still need to take time to rejoice.


Violet: I didn’t expect you to stop connecting with the boy even though his Mama is some kind of nutty.
Hollywood: Lord, she’s a whole bag of mixed nuts. But, hey, it ain’t Gabe’s fault. Right?

Dominic: The data revealed two new details. One, the bones are from the late 1800s. And second, that the remains are from multiple people.
Nova: As in?
Dominic: As in a community, Nova. We think it’s a larger graveyard.

I mean, the way they started and all they’ve been through just proves that love makes all things possible.


Sometimes in life, things will happen that make you get desperate. Now, desperation, that’s doing things out of fear. We can’t live like that, you know. To be honest, I hate to admit that I’ve been living like that far too long. I don’t want that for you, son.

Ralph Angel

Vi, not only did you raise Blue when we couldn’t, but you were there for me more recently in ways that pulled me back from the edge so that I can stand here now. And Hollywood. Hollywood. Most people probably don’t know how I feel about you. How you single-handedly tracked me down and saved me from myself in my darkest hour. Thank you forever.


Just continue following your feelings. Don’t lead your feelings. Let your feelings lead you. See where they take you. Don’t stress, don’t plan, don’t anticipate. I find that that kind of clutter in your mind produces false results.


Vi offered us her extra bedroom. If you’re open to it, I think it would be kind of amazing to have her around. I’d like as much love surrounding this baby as possible.


Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Violet: I didn’t expect you to stop connecting with the boy even though his Mama is some kind of nutty.
Hollywood: Lord, she’s a whole bag of mixed nuts. But, hey, it ain’t Gabe’s fault. Right?

I know everybody’s dealing with their own battles right now, but we still need to take time to rejoice.
