Taking on the USDA - Queen Sugar
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Violet asks Betty to come back to St. Jo’s. Betty doesn’t want to come back. Other than Violet and Ernest, the whole town turned their back on her when she became pregnant with Sam’s child. Sam’s father threatened to kill Betty and Sam if she had the baby. Sam and Betty got married, but Sam’s father beat him and threatened to cut him off financially. Sam gave in to his father’s demands while Betty left for the west coast. But Sam and Betty are still legally married.

Micah heads to NYC. He’s going to stay with his grandmother and meet with some NFT investors, but he’s nervous. It’s difficult to know who to trust.

Ralph Angel still wants to hurt Chase and has trouble letting it go. He thinks they should tell Blue about Chase, but Darla is adamant that Blue is too young to hear the truth.

Nova tells Billie that Dominic apologized for reading her piece. Nova says she and Dominic have been seeing one another for a year, and she thought she had been open with him, but now she feels she could do better.

Nova offers to do a reunification blessing for Vince and Billie. Her Aunt Martha did one for Ernest and Trudy when they got back together. When Nova goes to visit Aunt Martha and learns the woman died a month ago. Nova realizes how much of her spiritual side she’s ignored over the last few years.

Ralph Angel speaks in front of the USDA about the inequities facing black farmers. The local USDA try to shut him down, but the state Senator wants to hear more. She asks for paperwork going back ten years and schedules another hearing.

Betty arrives at a Landry Enterprises board meeting to say that the land Sam is leveraging is as much hers as it is his. They’re still married. Parker is shocked but tells her mother that this is where her monthly checks come from and not to bite the hand that feeds her. Sam tells Parker to show her mother more respect.

Later, Sam gives Betty complete control of the land because he can’t afford for all of this to be made public. Betty gives the land to the Bordelons, telling them to do what they will with it and make it mean something.

Billie sees Parker trying to drown her sorrows at a local bar and decides to talk to her as though she’s not the enemy. It turns out Parker didn’t know that Sam abandoned her and her mother. Later, Parker goes to Betty and apologizes.


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Queen Sugar Season 7 Episode 11 Quotes

Ralph Angel: Thank you for being a good partner.
Darla: That is a very lovely thing to hear out of nowhere. Thank you for being the same.

Micah: Have you talked to Darla about it?
Ralph Angel: I mean, she put it all behind her. I bring it up, and I’m bringing up her pain.
Micah: Your pain matters too. She’s your partner. She loves you.