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Mara and Chris analyze their feelings the morning after sleeping together. Elderly Pilar Simonet, who has lung cancer, uses Reverie to escape her dreary life in an assisted-living facility. In Reverie, a young Pilar is together with her lost love, Joaquin. The director of the facility is going to transfer Pilar to a state facility if Mara can't get her out of Reverie within 24 hours. Mara finds young Pilar dancing in a bar. Pilar refuses to go back because it's her second chance. Pilar runs off when soldiers start shooting up the bar. Thanks to Charlie's State Department contact, Mara and Charlie figure out that Pilar was visiting Chile during the 1973 coup. Pilar visits children hiding in a church. As Pilar fails in the real world, young Pilar is getting sick inside Reverie. Paul and Alexis argue over the implication of Mara's bruising after Reverie. Paul suggests consulting with Alexis's ex Oliver. Alexis calls Oliver. Because of Mara's interference in bringing Joaquin to Pilar, her program changes and the government soldiers take the girls Pilar had been protecting.  Oliver gives Alexis code to fix the glitch that caused Mara's injury. Mara blows up a jeep to distract the guards, then she and Pilar rescue the girls and get them to the border. Pilar wants to stay with the girls, not go back to her dying body. Mara talks her into returning. Mara later visits Pilar. Charlie located one of the girls Pilar rescued, Elvia, and brings her and her granddaughter, named after Pilar, to see Pilar. Elvia shows Pilar photos of her family. Oliver goes into Reverie. Mara realized that much of her reunion with Chris has actually been inside Reverie, without her realizing it.

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Reverie Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

I'm responsible for all our residents. What I'm doing is in their best interest.

out? That seems a bit harsh, don't you think? Jack

Chris: I'm good. I hope you are too.
Mara: I want to be. Yes. Yes, I am.
Chris: Then everything's OK.
Mara: It is.