Close To Winning - RuPaul's Drag Race Season 15 Episode 11
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The queens return to the Werk Room after Malaysia Babydoll Foxx's elimination. They read her lipstick message; Salina EsTitties is sad that she was at the bottom yet again.

At the couches, Loosey LaDuca thought she should've won the challenge. Luxx Noir London thinks she was very close to winning yet again; she's tired of being second and wants to win.

Ali Wong is the guest judge.

During the next day, the queens return to the Werk Room and there's a debate over Loosey LaDuca's Beyonce runway. Luxx believes Loosey should've looked more pregnant; Loosey disagrees with her.

RuPaul reveals the Mini Challenge is a vogue dance-off. The queens perform for RuPaul and each other; many serve fierce moves and laughs.

The winner of the Mini Challenge is Anetra. The Pit Crew gives her a real trophy and a cash prize.

RuPaul reveals the Maxi Challenge is a stand-up comedy show. The queens will be randomly paired into duos by pulling a can.

The duos are Luxx and Loosey, Anetra and Sasha, Mistress Isabelle Brooks and Marcia Marcia Marcia. Salina doesn't have a match, but RuPaul offers her the chance to perform solo or steal a partner from someone else. Salina decides to steal Mistress Isabelle Brooks; Marcia is forced to be solo. Anetra gets to decide the order of the performance.

Anetra decides Marcia will open the show, next is Lux and Loosey, Sasha and Anetra, and ending with Salina and Mistress. In confessional, Mistress thinks Anetra was being strategic with her order picks.

The queens start brainstorming jokes and their comedy routine. Luxx wants to bury any problems with Loosey so that they can win the challenge. Marcia is very worried because she's by herself; she thinks she'll either flop or make it through.

Anetra is experiencing a terrible migraine; it's keeping her distracted from brainstorming any jokes. She goes to the medical for a check-up.

The queens do a rehearsal with Michelle Visage and Ali Wong. Marcia gets some help and refines one of her jokes. Luxx and Loosey throw funny barbs at each other, but the coaches tell Luxx she needs to speak up and enunciate.

Salina rambles too much during her stories and practice jokes. Sasha and Anetra stumble through all of their practice jokes; the coaches tell them to refine their gags and not do inside jokes.

During the next day, the queens get ready at the mirrors for the upcoming challenge. Sasha is worried and hopes Anetra has her head in the game. Marcia is worried about her performance; the queens try to give her a pep talk and more confidence.

Mistress tells Salina the story of the last day she ever had contact with her mother. Mistress doesn't think she'll ever have a relationship with her mother ever again.

The judges are RuPaul, Michelle Visage, Ts Madison, and Ali Wong.

The queens perform the stand-up comedy show. Marcia tries her hand at comedy, but it's flat and doesn't have any real punchlines. Luxx and Loosey get plenty of laughs with their barbs at each other; they have good chemistry together. Sasha and Anetra try to banter off each other, but it gets very awkward and people aren't laughing. Sasha gets a few zingers at the end. Salina and Mistress get plenty of laughs, but Mistress rambles too much and drags out the joke.

Runway category is "Rip Her To Shreds." Marcia is dressed in a ripped blue pageant dress, Loosey is in a Victorian ripped dress as a dead vampire, Luxx wears a RuPaul-inspired outfit from a band performance with lots of arm fringe, Sasha is in a ripped denim gown with flowing diamonds and denim strands, Anetra is in a shredded black and pink gown, Salina is in a ripped dress and poncho, and Mistress in a Madonna Material Girl-inspired pink dress that's burnt in many spots.

During the judges' critiques, the judges felt Marcia had a good stage presence but she wasn't funny, Loosey had a strong runway and did amazing with the jokes, Luxx did a wonderful job with her jokes and the runway outfit, Sasha's runway outfit was incredible but her stand-up faltered and only had a few really good jokes, Anetra's runway was great but she wasn't confident during the stand-up show, Salina delivered on the comedy show and they liked the idea of her runway outfit, and the judges loved Mistress's runway outfit but her comedy took too long.

During the private panel, the judges thought Marcia needs to drag herself up and take advantage of the opening, Loosey had a strong night, Luxx wowed the judges, Sasha had a strong runway but not a good routine, Anetra had a top walk but got lost in the comedy, Salina improved so much during her comedy show, and Mistress took too long with her comedy.

Salina and Mistress are safe. Loosey and Luxx win the Maxi Challenge. Sasha is safe. Marcia and Anetra are at the bottom.

The lip-sync song is "Boss Bitch" by Doja Cat. Both queens go for a fierce routine with plenty of fierce energy, moves, and some comedy. Anetra does a jump over Marcia while Marcia is crab-walking.

Anetra wins the lip-sync. Marcia is eliminated from the competition.

RuPaul's Drag Race
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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 15 Episode 11 Quotes

Category is, “I’m SO into voguing right now.”


[In confessional] Are we that shocked? Loosey thinks she should win every week.

Mistress Isabelle Brooks