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Neil and Grace deal with the fallout from their revelations as they decide to move forward.

Grace visits her therapist (one she has been seeing for three weeks) and recounts how she cannot get herself to clean a pair of shoes that got muddied after an afternoon with Simon in one of the empty houses because she's afraid she will be letting go of something.

Simon begins to give his clients away to another escort. His friend is surprised, but Simon assures him there are no strings. Why don't we believe him?

Grace is at Adriana's when Adriana receives a phone call from Neil about the trip she planned for the two of them. He thinks he should just say yes because she won't stop, but his call is really to tell her they're done.

Stephanie warns Grace to tread lightly around Neil. She has no idea what he has been doing in his spare time since learning about her news and could be dangerous.

Anika approaches the producer who didn't appreciate her voice with a contract in hand and a flash drive of her songs. They head upstairs to talk!

Neil meets Adriana's husband. Not ex-husband, but active husband. Amazingly it's Conrad Grayson. He finally escaped Victoria! Or something. Adriana isn't pleased to see her husband.

Grace goes to see the Zen Master because she thinks that's where she'll find information about his affair. Instead the Zen Master is who she finds and he gives her insight into Neil's thoughts about their marriage.

Neil's boss delivers the bad news that his app is being turned into a dating site. Grace is outside with Anika looking at the pool. They agree it has to be fixed (right?!) but it will cost as much as Anika's college education.

Grace takes her shoes to the cobbler to remove the mud and make them like new. Nothing is like new but new, he says.

Neil doesn't behave at the meeting about his app. He expresses how you know you're in love instead.

Adriana shows Simon's paintings to Fisher and he recognizes him as one of the family's last heirs. WHAT?! The Waverly family.

Neil and Grace go to therapy, but never make it to a session. She tells Neil she got the fellowship and at the same moment they both admit they want to go to Milan together. Neil wanted to go to Italy with her 20 years ago.

They go home and start to pack while Anika moves on with the next phase of her life with music. Mateo admonished her for signing a contract when she's so much better than that. 

While standing inside the pool, lovingly in each other's arms, Neil and Grace are completely unaware that Mallory's husband has pulled up outside with a gun.

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Satisfaction Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

So, thank you. From one absentee husband to another.


I'd start looking deeper into what he's doing when he's gone.
