Searching for Clues - School Spirits
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Maddie and Simon now know there's something amiss about Mr. Anderson and set out to get answers.

Maddie cannot get access to his phone, so she tells Simon to try get him to check his emails so she can access it in the spirit world.

He finishes his test and grabs the phone and makes a mad dash for it.

He later argues with Nicole about not being there and she's not interested because he's ghosting her.

He tries to tell her stuff about Maddie, but she's not interested.

As he speaks to the guidance counselor, Mr. Alexander is using his laptop to track his phone.

He throws the phone on a locker and runs.

Simon then goes to the principal who goes to the police about Mr. Alexander. The police then ask whether Maddie could have run away, but Simon knows this isn't true.

Maddie and her ghost friends search for clues and find that the money came from the band's costumes and how Mr. Alexander repurposed old ones and made a fake receipt.

Simon exposes the truth at a teacher meeting and Mr. Alexander is arrested.

One of the ghosts knows all the passcodes for the phones and they realize that Mr. Alexander had been calling Claire. Is she involved?

School Spirits
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School Spirits Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

I've been here for 60 years, 60 graduations. I've watched class after class hug and cry and throw their stupid little cardboard caps in the air and go. I made my peace with it because nothing changes. But now... I know I'm not always a joiner, but I gotta get out of here. I'm willing to try anything. So whatever you did to help Janet, I want in.


Check his call log. We need to know who Anderson called that night.
