Simon Helps Maddie With Her Mom - School Spirits
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Simon is in the house trying to find the envelope. He finds it, it has Maddie's necklace, the one she was wearing the day she died.

Maddie is surprised but believes she can find out whether her mother killed her if he gets her to the school.

At the school, Sandra triggers a memory that she used Maddie's college fund for a downpayment on a house.

Maddie is annoyed and tells her mom to get out of her life. Maddie is back to square one because they don't know who killed her.

Xavier, Nicole, and Claire make their way to the house the person they think stole the money is hiding. The person rushes out and steals Xavier's truck, knocking him down.

But Nicole is recording and sends footage of the person to Simon, and it's Maddie.

The ghosts try to make sense of Dawn passing over and it being different to what happened to Janet.

As they investigate, they learn that Janet died the same day as Mr. Martin and that he set the fire in the school.

Mr. Martin locks Charley, Rhonda, and Wally in the shelter.

Maddie has a flashback and realizes Janet's spirit was arguing with Mr. Martin and it ran into her body, knocking her spirit out.

Maddie tries to get her friends out of the shelter but he shows up.

Simon tell;s Maddie he thinks she's in his head.

Janet skips town on a bus calling herself Maddie.

School Spirits
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School Spirits Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Maddie: I know it's not what we thought we'd find, but... I had this when I went to look for her. And I didn't have it when I showed up here.
Simon: There could be a completely logical, non-murderous explanation for this.
Maddie: Get her here. I always know when she's lying. I know all her tells. If you can get her in a room with me... Or with us, you can talk to her, and we can figure out if... my mom... Okay.
Simon: Okay, I'll figure something out.
Maddie: Simon? Yesterday, what you said about whether or not us figuring it out means me moving on...
Simon: Don't worry about that right now.
Maddie: I was being selfish.
Simon: You're never selfish. Maddie, if it was her, are you sure you wanna know?

Simon: Where should I look?
Maddie: Try the dresser. She used to hide bottles in her closet. If she took that money, it'll be in one of her usual hiding places. She's gotten less and less creative over the years. When she's really desperate, she even uses my room.