A Message of Support - SEAL Team
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Bravo Team is caught up in a deadly mission in Jordan.

They fight through a city with the intention of getting back home to mourn their brother. They get home, but find themselves in a devastating situation.

They missed Clay's funeral and there's no way they can see him again.

They have a night for him in the bar and Omar shows up to support his brothers. Sonny tries to be rude to Davis, who says he was her brother to, something that helps them come together.

Davis says that she found out the mission with Clay went awry because the colonel didn't change the radio's channel, and that caused their line to be intercepted, changing the trajectory of the mission forever.

Sonny finds out the man responsible has now had a promotion and goes to punch him.

Command tells Davis that someone attacked him and there's been an investigation.

Davis looks worried but goes to support Sonny because she knows it was him.

Jason is getting an award for bravery but he tells everyone about his TBI.

He's told that he's in trouble and could lose his job. Command tells him he's done, but Ray shows up and admits his PTSD, followed by several other veterans, who all say they have something wrong with them as a result of the war.

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SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

This is, uh... It's quite an honor. SEALs push themselves to places that others won't go. And when we get there, we stand and we fight. Well, there's one fight that I've been running away from. Clay Spenser may have gotten home from Mali, but he's not here today because of that ambush, an ambush that he never should have been a part of. He should have been home with his family. Instead, he was with Bravo Team, watching our backs. 'Cause he knew that I was compromised. So, while Clay was watching his team's back, I was watching my own back, worried that Command would discover what this war has done to my head. TBI. I hid my traumatic brain injury... and Clay Spenser paid the ultimate price for it. So much for, uh, disregard for my personal safety. Clay Spenser tried to change the military's outdated views on TBI, but he was told to stand down. So today, I'm picking up that fight for him, because this war machine has to stop ignoring this problem and start protecting the protectors. I don't know if coming clean is gonna change anything, but... hell, if it saves the next guy, then maybe I'll be a different kind of hero. Like my brother... Clay Spenser.


Command: The issue, Master Chief, isn't just operating with a serious injury. The way you revealed your truth so publicly, you embarrassed Command and the Navy.
Jason: My intention was to save lives, sir.
Command: Off the record, what you did was the ultimate act of sheep-dogging. But you created one hell of a mess and left us no choice but to stand you down.
Command: Warrant Officer Perry, your character reference for Master Chief Hayes has been reviewed and considered.
Ray: I need to amend my statement, sir.
Command: This is neither the time nor the place. You're dismissed. I have PTS, sir. Capture and torture will do that to you. I've been handling the symptoms on my own as I have continued to operate,
Command: Sir. If you're hoping to make a point about what does or doesn't render an operator unfit for duty, Warrant Officer, you've miscalculated. And now, this Command will be losing two seasoned operators.
Sonny: I breached a lot of doors, and fired a lot of SAWs. The only time I notice the ringing in my ears is... is when it stops. Headaches, more often than not. Trent: Vision gets blurry.
Soldier #1: Trouble balancing.
Soldier #2: Breacher's syndrome.
Soldier: #3:Angry. All the time.
Soldier #4: Memory lapses. TBI.
Soldier #5: Tinnitus.

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