Syria Mission Gone Wrong - SEAL Team
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The team is still in Syria, and Jason is struggling with the weight of his decisions.

Omar is livid that Jason didn't take anything he said into consideration and their feud is intensified when Jason takes an episode while working, leading to him calling off a mission.

Jason tells the others he took an episode and that Omar is wanting to report things back about them.

They go on a mission with Norie and she is forced to kill herself when the other soldiers try to take her.

The Americans leave and the women are annoyed that they helped the Americans only for them to leave them behind.

Clay is struggling because he feels like no one trusts him, so he stops responding to messages and leaves his work in a fit of rage.

He returns home and has an argument with Stella over sending the nanny home. He tells her he feels like no one trusts him and packs up a bag before rushing out of the house.

Stella was left crying as he rushed off.

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SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Sonny: Is this house haunted, or were you up all night, Jace?
Ray: I heard the floorboards creaking with that sharky-ass signature of yours. And you left the sandwich stuff out.
Sonny: Man, I ever tell you guys about my paranormal experience at my Grand-Ninny's house?
Jason: I was up. Didn't eat.
Sonny: If your brain can't remember it, the carbs don't count.
Omar: Mess was mine. I was up, too.
Sonny: The two of you in a low hover, and you didn't bump into each other?

Ray: Take a look at this. That is the IP used to purchase the rockets that hit the Crampton. It just popped up. Brigade's cell phones that Hamal helped us track down all around it.
Jason: That just fսcking confirms right there, right, that the militia attacked the USS Crampton and killed 20 American sailors.