The White House Debrief - Special Ops: Lioness
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Cruz is on the phone with Aaliyah as she's making her way over for a surprise. Aaliyah tells her to hurry, and after they hang up, Cruz gets a call from Bobby. The surprise is a spa day, and Joe, who's patched in, explains this is important. Aaliyah wants to get to know Cruz, so she should open up. Joe says to tell the truth but change the names and locations.

Kaitlyn calls Joe to let her know that their debrief about the explosion in Texas has been moved to the White House, and she'll pick Joe up on her way in. Kaitlyn talks to her husband, Errol, about the situation in Texas. She uses code, and the two untangle each other's secrets over coffee.

Cruz arrives at Aaliyah's and the two are quickly put into spa treatments. Aaliyah can tell by Cruz's reactions that she's never been to a spa before, or at the very least, has never received spa treatments. Aaliyah is clearly surprised by Cruz, intrigued in a way she can't explain. Aaliyah explains that she'll be Cruz's new matchmaker, wanting her to have the best possible match. As they continue throughout their spa day, Aaliyah is happy to see Cruz get more comfortable with the luxurious treatment style.

After they shower off from a mud massage, Cruz and Aaliyah sit in the steam room. Aaliyah asks Cruz about her past relationships, and Cruz is honest with her about the abuse she's been through. As Joe said, she changes the names and locations but shares what happened to her to a teary Aaliyah. The pair connect, truly bonding and realizing that they're each other's closest friends. In a strong emotional moment, Cruz and Aaliyah connect on a deeper level than ever before. Aaliyah decides the two will have a classic slumber party that evening, and Cruz sits in the fact that she's forming a genuine relationship with her mark.

The Lioness team, who is monitoring Cruz from afar in the Hamptons, is attacked by three assailants. It's clear they're lower-grade threats, merely trying to rob a nice-looking home, but the team calls in reinforcements from Joe.

Joe, at the White House still waiting to be debriefed with Kaitlyn, doesn't understand how they've been waiting for quite as long as they have. Finally, they're called into the panel meeting with several higher-ups, including Secretary of State Edwin Mullins (Morgan Freeman). Kyle is brought in to debrief about Texas and dismissed after some admonishment. Joe and Kaitlyn are questioned, and after some examination are told that as they move forward with the Lioness operation, the big moments like Aaliyah's upcoming wedding will be handled from the White House Situation Room. While Joe is confused, Kaitlyn tells her not to ask questions at the moment, and to wait until they can speak privately.

At Aaliyah's, she and Cruz are finishing off a scary movie. After they settle into Aaliyah's bed, tipsy, the women agree that they need to watch something else to get the film out of their minds and settle on The Notebook, which Cruz has never seen. Aaliyah reassures her that even though it's a tear-jerker, they'll be the good kind of tears.

In the car after the debrief, Joe hears from Bobby that the team has captured their assailants. Needing assistance, Joe calls in her favor to Kyle and asks him to handle it. Kaitlyn signs off on his use of a private jet and a budget as they both head home.

Kyle makes it to the Hamptons quickly, bribing the assailants with cash and then working with the Lioness team to get them out of the Safe House without seeing anything they don't need to. Everything runs smoothly, and the assailants leave the premises.

As The Notebook finishes, Cruz sobs about the heartbreaking ending to the movie. Aaliyah laughs, explaining there's no heartbreak without the presence of love. She says she's never been in love, and she'll never be in love so at least she'll never experience heartbreak. Cruz tells Aaliyah not to marry Ehsan, and Aaliyah says it's not her choice. In Aaliyah's country, if she says no to marrying Ehsan she'll either be locked up or killed. It's not an option for her to escape it, even if that hurts. Cruz comforts her, and the two get comfortable in bed together. Aaliyah asks Cruz if she's ever been in love, and when she says no, Aaliyah says she'd like to feel it, just once. Cruz agrees.

Joe arrives home to find Neil working to make their house more wheelchair friendly for Kate, who will be coming home soon. The two reconvene by the pool, discussing their days and sharing what's been happening. They're finally back on the same page, leading to a kiss that they're both happy about.

Cruz wakes up in Aaliyah's bed alone to the sound of her gleefully screaming rooms away. When Cruz finds her, Aaliyah explains that her wedding location has been chosen and that it'll be in Majorca. In a fit of excitement, Aaliyah kisses Cruz. The two pause momentarily before going back in with more intention, both wrapped up in the kiss. After a few moments, Cruz pulls back and asks what that was. Neither can explain, but Aaliyah tries to brush past it, chattering on about breakfast and shopping, while Cruz is dumbfounded and struck by how much she's feeling.

Special Ops: Lioness
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Special Ops: Lioness Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Aaliyah: Describe to me your perfect man so when I’m shopping, I’ll know what to look for.
Cruz: Kind. Capable. Stand up for his beliefs – I don’t really care what his beliefs are, as long as he stands up for them. Stands up for me. Looks me in the eye when he speaks.
Aaliyah: What does he look like?
Cruz: I couldn’t care less.

Aaliyah: How can I stand up for you if you don’t tell me the truth?
Cruz: No more lies.