Tilly Therapy - Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 4
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Stardate: 865661.2

One week has passed and the Discovery is orbiting Ni'Var while political negotiations and scientific collaborations continue.

Saru informs Burnham that they are ordered to join the Ni'Var negotiations.

Tilly talks with Culber and he suggests she take on a cadet exercise and take Adira with her. They meet up with Dr. Kovich. He discloses to Tilly that the cadets don't know how to work with each other because they grew up isolated in the after Burn era.

Tilly tries to get the cadets talking as they head for their training exercise. The shuttle is hit by a gamma ray burst and they crash land. The pilot dies from his injuries and they discover they've landed on an L-Class moon instead of their target location.

The cadets make their introductions as they start repairs.

On Ni'Var, T'Rina amends the agreement to allow Ni'Var to withdraw should the need arise, an exit clause. This is a deal-breaker for the Federation.

Book has a session with Culber to talk about his grief process.

Saru talks with T'Rina during a recess at the summit. She insists the Federation must show compromise.

Burnham talks with Rillick. Rillick insists that compromise will show weakness.

Saru and Burnham realize that they were brought to the summit to find an alternative.

On the shuttle, things look dire. Adira restores sensors and detects thousands of life forms gathering outside the shuttle. They shut down systems to avoid detection and Tilly forms a plan to get a signal out as a team.

Culber has Book try a ritual based on something in Kwejian culture. He gets frustrated and they make a breakthrough.

Saru visits T'Rina in her meditation chamber. She shares the factions that are insisting on the exit clause. Saru asks to learn about Vulcan meditation.

Burnham contacts Rillick with a proposal.

On the moon, the cadets and Adira begin to argue and Tilly has to lay down the law. A lightning strike cracks the ice under Adira's feet and they're trapped, unable to move as their feet are covered by ice.

As a team, they use a medical wrap as a rope and pull Adira to safety.

Tilly facilitates some sharing of information between the cadets.

Saru and Burnham reconvene the summit. Saru shares Kaminar's experiences and Burnham points out Ni'Var's history and Rillick's ancestry. They propose an oversight committee with Burnham serving as the representative for both Ni'Var and the Federation.

On the moon, Tilly's group makes it to the ridge. Tilly runs in a different direction to draw the predator's attention. They make contact and get beamed out just in time.

Kovich debriefs with Tilly and offers her a teaching position at the Academy.

Tilly reminds Adira that anything is possible.

Rillick welcomes Ni'Var back into the Federation. Burnham asks T'Rina about J'Vani. J'Vani and Gabby Burnham will travel to a monastic planet for restorative meditation. Amends will be made to the slain Commander of the Credence.

Rillick debriefs with Burnham and Burnham requests more transparency in the future.

Book continues with the therapy activity. He offers to be Culber's therapist when he's ready to talk about things.

Burnham checks in with Tilly. Tilly lets her know she wants to take the teaching position.

Tilly says her goodbyes and leaves Adira a snowglobe inscribed with "All is Possible."

Star Trek: Discovery
Episode Number:
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

When Discovery first arrived, no one here trusted you. It wasn't just that you were in a nine-hundred-and-thirty-year-old starship and had never heard of the Burn. It was the way you carried yourself, like you grew up in a world that believes anything is possible. Quite frankly, it stung.


I think I might have actually made some friends today. I wish I knew how to do it without nearly getting eaten by a blob.
