Calypso S'Wonderful - Star Trek: Discovery
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Stamets and Adira confer with Zora about the data on the Galactic Barrier particles. They would like to narrow down possible origins for the 10-C species who created the DMA.

Representatives from four quadrants are meeting to discuss the DMA.

Book and Burnham hang out with Grudge. Stamets summons them to Engineering.

Zora has found the coordinates for 10-C but has decided to keep that information to herself. She wants to keep the crew safe. Burnham gives her a direct order but she defies that order.

Burnham confers with Kovich about Zora. He sends her to the assembly of representatives while he deals with Zora.

Rillak shares a wish to bring United Earth back into the Federation but the representative makes no promises.

Book is in the observation lounge and runs into Tarka.

Earth United's representative proposes an aggressive approach to 10-C. Burnham cautions they need more information.

Saru and Kovich wait on Stamets and Culber. When they arrive, Stamets is concerned about Zora listening to their conversation and reacting. Kovich insists on transparency.

Gray and Adira enter to speak on Zora's behalf, but Zora informs them that she has a solution. She provides them with a failsafe device which would terminate her sentience in the case that she poses harm to the crew.

The assembly debates the ways to approach species 10-C

Tarka transports to Rillak's side and addresses the assembly. He shows them the weapon he's created to destroy the device controlling the DMA. His plan involves using Discovery to deliver the device into the DMA. Burnham points out his plan requires isolytic bursts, a weapon banned by the Second Khitomer Accords.

Stamets, Culber, Gray, and Adira debate the failsafe device. Zora states that her primary function is to care for the crew of Discovery, a primary directive she assigned herself.

Book and Burnham disagree on whether to vote for Tarka's plan.

Rillak won't speak out one way or the other but urges Burnham to speak for diplomacy.

Book wants Tarka to convince the assembly. Tarka admits he wants the DMA power source in order to escape to another dimension where he and a beloved friend dreamed of living when they were enslaved by the Emerald Chain.

Book addresses the assembly before the vote. After a long hesitation, Burnham chooses to speak for diplomacy.

Adira and Stamets examine Zora's system to see how she could have defined her own primary function. They discover a sector that spontaneously emerged, independent of all other systems. Culber theorizes it is her subconscious, her dreams. Stamets insists that Zora must trust them if she wants them to trust her. She must give them the coordinates.

After reconsideration, Zora agrees and gives them the coordinates.

The assembly votes in favor of diplomacy.

Kovich's analysis is that Zora is a new life form. Stamets proposes that Zora be added to the crew as a part of Starfleet. Stamets dismantles the failsafe device.

Gray joins Adira in the lounge. Adira tells him he needs to go home to Trill. She'll go with him to settle in for a few days.

Saru brings T'Rina a plant. Culber and Stamets bid Adira and Gray farewell.

Tarka beams onto Book's ship with his next generation spore drive. Book transports Grudge to Burnham's quarters before they leave.

Burnham transports to the shuttle bay just in time to see Book's ship leave and jump.

Star Trek: Discovery
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

One should never confuse 'friendly' with 'friendship'.


Burnham: One of these days, I'm going to win her over. Just you wait.
Book: You're making progress. She's not hissing anymore.
Burnham: By progress, you mean I've earned her utter indifference.
Book: Just think, aloof disdain is next.