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Marquise realizes that Rigo has stolen his notebook and the songs in it. Sage advises him to record his most personal song and will help him release it.

At Rigo's, Rigo has also recorded the same song, which Collette thinks it's fire. He lies to her when she asks for the inspiration behind the lyrics.

As Sage, Poppy, and Tal brainstorm the names for his concert, Sage introduces Saint Clip to them. It takes some convincing before Poppy agrees to work with him.

King walks in on Collette as she clears her office late at night at Step Water. She talks about a certain file.

After being denied a permit for the concert, Sage, Tal, and Poppy decide to do pop-up shows all over Atlanta.

Rigo plays a song demo to Odalie and Angel, but Angel doesn't believe that he wrote the song as she can hear Marquise's voice all over it.

Sage's side decides to do live streams for the shows and promote Erin's political rival -- Iman Walker.

Angel seems disinterested in dancing for Rigo's tour.

While Sage is performing in different locations, Rigo is also hunting for representation, and there seem to be very many interested parties in his unchosen unveiling party.

BMT starts broadcasting Sage's performances live; everyone can see it on TV at Rigo's party.

Erin pressures the police chief to arrest Sage for holding a gathering without a permit.

Sage's group changes the venue for the next performance when they learn of the cops. They move it outside Uncle Al's restaurant.

Uncle Al receives a huge offer to sell his restaurant but turns it down.

Sage introduces Saint Clip to the crowd. Angel leaves the unchosen party when she learns that Saint Clip will be performing.

As Rigo prepares to perform his version of unchosen, Angel arrives at Sage's pop-up and tells them to perform unchosen before Rigo does.

Rigo looks in disbelief as Marquise performs the song. The reps from record labels start getting impatient. Collette is confused.

Marquise and Angel reunite just as cops pull up at the venue. They run and hide from the cops.

Collette tells Rigo to fire King, thinking he leaked the song to Sage. Rigo pushes back as he knows the truth.

Marquise is arrested, but Sage shows up before they can take him away and is arrested. They release Marquise.

Rigo fires King, who advises him to be honest with Collette about the origin of his songs.

Sage's fans gather outside the courthouse. Uncle Al is given a chance to address the crowd and takes the opportunity to shout Tal out.

Erin is advised to let Sage go. After taking some pills, Odalie throws away all of Angel's money.

Sage performs for the crowd outside the courthouse and shows his support for Iman.

Step Up: High Water
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Step Up: High Water Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Uncle Al: That young man over there is strong and smart. My nephew. I never been so proud. He's been fighting since he's been here. He's gay!
Tal: Yes, I motherfucking am!
Uncle Al: And I say a prayer with him. We gay!

Collette: This song, "Unchosen," is gonna blow you up. Where did it come from?
Rigo: I mean, you know, when... when my pops died, shit... figured my dreams was gonna go with him. I was gonna go unseen, so... I wrote that.