Movie Time - Sugar
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Sugar has been having nightmares. He’s not sleeping well, but Wiley looks pretty rested. Sugar calls Ruby and says Wiley is an untenable dog who snores loudly and kicks in his sleep.

Ruby reminds him that she doesn’t like this case for him. He wonders why she keeps saying that. What’s she so worried about? Other than the drugs and handshakes.

Teresa calls Melanie to tell her about the men. It works. Melanie goes to see Teresa. Kenny and Davy are watching from outside.

An old friend named Charlie calls Sugar. She’s got eyes on Melanie. Melanie has been with Teresa for eight and a half minutes. Sugar immediately spots unscrupulous characters on the street. He goes to investigate.

Inside, Melanie says that if she had known where Clifford was, given his history, she would have already called the cops. As Sugar is trying to break in, he falls to the ground. Withdrawal?

The bald dude says he’s going to put Teresa’s hand in the blender and see what happens. Will that help Melanie say something about Clifford? He starts the blender, and she says she’ll tell him. There is screaming, and Sugar bangs on the door. The more, the merrier, baldy said.

He plays ward of the court, saying CPS is coming in an hour. But baldy calls foul. The suit and watch are giveaways. He’s strangely tempted to tell him who he really is, but Charlie calls. They all run outside to see a smoke bomb under baldy’s truck.

Baldy says to call Manny—sugar, Melanie, and Wiley escape.

Kenny visits another bald guy he occasionally fucks. The guy looks up Sugar’s history. Sugar’s history is intense. He may be a future spy.

Melanie tells Sugar about how she helped Teresa get away from her husband. Last month, Carmen called. Olivia was helping at the time. That night, Olivia called Melanie to come to Carmen’s. Clifford arrives with a body bag, and she kills him. Olivia wouldn’t go to the police. It was two years the family hadn’t been in the tabloids, so she panicked.

Sugar thinks that’s a shame since, with Clifford’s rap sheet, she’d probably have gotten a medal.

Ruby is watching Sugar’s profile. She spots unidentified access. Kenny’s friend is Everett Roberts from the NSA. He gives Kenny Sugar’s mom’s address, but Ruby can see his every move.

Bernie’s talking with Davy’s mom about everything. It appears to be Anna Gunn. She looks different.

Sugar is worried that Olivia isn’t calling anyone for help. He leaves a movie on for Wiley (Double Indemnity?) and a bowl full of water and prepares to leave. But he realizes he has to go to the party.

Ruby is at the party, and when he enters, everyone looks at him. Ruby begins talking. They scatter, and they return. They do essential work they cannot fail to do, and then they return. She’s very happy to see them all here together.

Sugar catches up with Henry and tells him all about Taiwan. Henry tells Sugar he’s been having trouble sleeping. He bought a garlic press in the middle of the night. Henry asks if he’s gone yet. No, he hasn’t. Henry asks about Sugar’s other work and is concerned about the case.

Sugar follows Ruby upstairs. He’s got a book he says is filled with objective accounts of personal interactions that occur as a result of his stated profession.

But what’s in the book is about curtains blowing, whether UFO is a good rock band, and how it feels to cross a street in Japan. She says he’s obsessed with a case. She is worried he’s forgetting who he is and why they do this. She gives him another book.

Has she heard from them? Yes. They say they’re counting on us.

She needs a few more days.

Davy is explaining to his dad that this group of spies from all over the globe used to be enemies who got together to do something good for a change.

Bernie and Sugar are both asking for information but going about it differently.

Sugar knows the mission comes first, but he’s not going to back off this case. Why is he missing? Ruby deletes data relating to baldy #1, Byron Stallings.

Melanie visits Bernie. Seems like they are having a thing.

Sugar is swimming while thunder cracks, hoping he can keep it together.

Ruby is hiding something. She visits an old typewriter and begins typing. It’s kind of like Fringe. Or Counterpart. Communicating with another universe?


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Sugar Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

You love her. You know, I think if you’re going to do something stupid, it’s probably the best excuse going.

Sugar [to Melanie]

Ruby: What is this?
Sugar: An objective account of personal interactions that occur as a result of my stated profession.