Beard has many thoughts about the fragility of life - Ted Lasso
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Beard takes the underground back to his flat.

Once home, he turns on the TV to hear sports pundits, Thierry Henry and Gary Lineker, talking about the Man City game. They blame Beard for Richmond's loss.

Beard hallucinates the pundits mocking him for his perpetual single status. Snapping out of it, Beard goes to the Crown & Anchor.

Beard tells Mae he and Jane broke up. Mae is more interested in berating him about the Man City game. Not wanting to hear it, Beard walks away from the bar and sits down at a table.

He gets a text from Jane, who is out clubbing. She offers her condolences about the match and asks if he wants to find her.

The pub regulars -- Jeremy, Paul, and Baz -- approach Beard. They're sympathetic about the loss and ask if he wants to talk.

Beard says they can talk about anything except the game. He answers their questions until closing time.

Beard doesn't want to go home, so the pub regulars suggest going to Bones & Honey, a members only club.

They sneak their way in. 

While the pub regulars are challenged to a game of pool, Beard makes eyes with a beautiful woman, Mary, and tries to follow her but winds up in a private room.

Beard hallucinates the pundits mocking him again. He freaks out and tears his pants. This attracts security, who throws him out.

Outside, Mary offers to fix his pants at her place. At her place they discuss relationships.

Mary's ex calls and finds about Beard. He threatens to pound Beard. Beard evades him, but he loses his wallet and phone in the process.

Beard finds himself in a tunnel when he stumbles upon James Tartt and his cronies. They fight, but Beard is outmatched.

Just as James is about to hit Beard with a pipe, Mary's ex saves Beard. Then he apologizes to Beard.

Beard is back on streets when a limo pulls up. The pub regulars had rented from the money they made off pool.

They drop Beard at his flat. As a thank you, Beard gives them access to Nelson Road.

Beard is locked out his flat. He takes shelter at a church. As he prays, he hears drums. He walks down a tunnel and finds himself at the club mentioned.

Beard has a moment of grace as he dances with Jane.

The next morning, Beard comes to work late, but he brought coffee, just like he had promised Ted.


Ted Lasso
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Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Jeremy: Have you ever been to Vegas?
Baz: What's Ted like behind closed doors?
Paul: How do you cope knowing the universe is infinite but your consciousness ends at the same time?
Beard: I've been to Vegas many times. One night is good. Two nights is perfect. Three nights is too many. Ted is a man, just a man. And as for the fragility of life, I'm so glad someone finally asked because, yeah, I got a few thoughts.

There's someone in my life now who -- maybe it's chemicals, maybe it's pheromones -- I wanna be with her all her all the time. Is that love or do I just have a problem?
