Coming Up With a Plan - The Ark
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The committee meeting goes well, with things on the ship seemingly going well.

Angus makes a big announcement in the mess hall, and he presents the crew with a single potato, the first harvest from the bioshelter.

Lt. Brice leaves the mess hall and immediately passes out.

Dr. Kabir is still stressed, and Felix demands that she sleep instead of going insane.

Brice wakes up in his bed, concerned.

Lt. Lane and Lt. Garnet have a touching moment together.

Eva approached Brice about returning him to bed when he passed out.

They fight, and he begs her to keep the information to herself.

He insults her, and they have a huge argument.

She agrees to keep the secret.

Lane tells Dr. Brandice about William Trust.

She tells him not to tell anyone else, and he agrees.

Lane visits the pods of Trust and his Wife, where he discovers they were supposed to be on Ark Five, not Ark One.

Lane then discovers a secondary secret room.

He finds both male and female DNA of many different species of animals.

Felix figured out that Kabir is using drugs.

He wants to help her beat the addiction, and she breaks down.

Meanwhile, the bridge crew uses the sun to launch themselves toward the planet with extra fuel.

The star's gravity takes control, and they start heading back toward it.

Eva reveals the only way to fix it is a space walk, but they are too close to the radiation.

Garnet goes out for the spacewalk, as she has the special DNA that may help her resist.

Eva walks Garnet through the repair.

Lt. Garnet is in terrible condition.

Alicia detects some of the substance.

Brice wants to go on the shuttle to scout first, and Eva insists on joining him just in case he passes out.

Sure enough, he passes out just as he accelerates.

He wakes up, and she forces him to tell her what his issue is.

He has a terminal disease with no cure. He doesn't know how long he has.

Lt. Garnet wakes up, very burned but alive.

Dr. Kabir tells Lt. Garnet about her addiction.

Garnet returns for the bridge, just in time for the shuttle to approach the planet.

There isn't any of any element on the planet, but instead, behind the planet, lies another Ark.

The Ark
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The Ark Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

They went two by two into the Ark.


Dr. Kabir: How stupid do you think I am? Do you think I would compromise myself like that? Do you really think so little of me?
Felix: Are you done yelling at me? Notice I'm here alone. I'm giving you this chance to beat your addiction. If you do that, and I will help you, this will stay between the two of us.
Dr. Kair [crying]: I didn't mean for it to get out of hand, but all the other doctors are dead and I'm the only one left, so I started taking them to stay awake, so I could help my patients!