Sleepover at Claudia's - The Baby-Sitters Club
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Claudia hosts the first sleepover of the year. Kristy wants to do personality tests to figure out each member’s strengths and weaknesses and maximize the club’s growth potential.

Mallory is so nervous and doesn't know how to answer the questions. Her test is inconclusive. Kristy is the captain, and Claudia is an individualist.

Claudia sees Ashley Wyeth, the coolest girl in Stoneybrook High downstairs and can't believe she knows her sister.

Mallory is annoying everyone by constantly complimenting Claudia and her family.

Kristy gets strep throat and must delegate her duties. Dawn and Claudia argue over who is going to be president. Dawn admits Kristy asked her, and Claudia looks hurt.

Stacey suggests Claudia prove how serious she is by taking Kristy's baby-sitting jobs and training Mallory.

Claudia and Mallory sit at the Newtons. Mal is so nervous, even though Claudia tries to get her to relax. Mallory tried to help by washing dishes then broke them.

It was worse at her next job. She kept trying to talk to Claudia about her stories and making snacks and would not shut up while Claudia was playing with Lucy. Claudia blew up at her.

Stacey admits that the club needs Kristy back and no one likes how Dawn wants to charge dues. Krist alters Dawn's dues ideas and decides once a month each member will pick a charity to donate part of the dues money to.

Claudia receives some advice from Mimi and Ashley and goes to the Pikes to apologize to Mallory again. She wants to team up and illustrate some of her horse stories.


The Baby-Sitters Club
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The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Kristy: We're training new members. As president...
Liz: As president, you can delegate your duties.

Mallory: I didn't know what the right answers were.
Mary Anne: There are no right or wrong answers. That's the point