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A family gets abducted. 

Tom follows Nez to her drug stop and tells her that Howard is still alive.

Scottie and Solomon are at Howard's apartment looking through the burned rubbish.

Howard tells Scottie he knows about Whitehall. She wants answers. Scottie gets a call and goes back to the office. 

Scottie gives the team information about the case.

Solomon and Tom meet a driver in a garage. Solomon wants him to take both of them, but only one is going to go. He chooses Tom who is then shot with a knock our arrow before he meets with the bad guy.

The bad guy wants a prisoner in exchange for the family.  This guy doesn't mess around. 

Nez finds out where Howard is being held and Tom gets to work on getting him out of the facility he's at. They escape and Tom jumps off a building and goes back to the office.

Cat tells Scottie something happened at the hospital. The bad guy calls Scottie and she tells them there's a delay, but he doesn't care. He lets the woman go and gives them four hours.

Scottie goes back to the hospital. Howard didn't get away. Solomon hooks him up to be tortured. She demands to know who it is that tried to help him get out.

Scottie has Dumont find out about the "guy" on a flash drive she gave him.

Tom and Solomon meet with a guy who might help them get the prisoner the bad guy wants delivered to him.

The gang is getting Carlos ready to meet with the bad guy.

The meet takes place. The family is released. The bad guy knows he was a traitor. And he found the bug that was on him. The bad guy doesn't kill Carlos, but puts him in the prison first.

The guy who hired Halcyon is the big bad guy. He's going to torture Carlos to death. Dumont finds out where Carlos is being held. The team heads to the slaughterhouse.

They get Carlos out. The bad guy shoots the very bad guy. Dumont figures out the security camera flash drive and Scottie learns it was Tom who tried to get Howard out.

Scottie calls Solomon and tells him she wants him to kill Tom. Scottie visits Howard and Howard tells her Tom is their son. Scottie calls off the hit.






The Blacklist: Redemption
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The Blacklist: Redemption Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

I'm beginning to feel ignored.


Do as I say and you'll be home before you know it. Don't and I'll turn you into a pair of shoes.

Bad guy