October 6, 2023 | 0 Comments
Announcer: Invaders on Continental grounds. Red light has been activated.
Announcer: Invaders on Continental grounds. Red light has been activated.
Apartment Lady: Excuse me? Mr… Jenkins: Oh. It’s … it’s Gene. Apartment Lady: Gene. I’ve lived here for 27 years. And I’ve always…
Winston: Before this goes any further, I’d like you to get something through your thick skulls. [gunshot]
Winston: Oh my God. It’s you. You’re the little girl. KD: Your brother lit my family on fire. But you know that, right? Because you were…
Young Winston: There’s people in there. [Crying] Frankie, there’s people in there.
Mazzy: The men I call my flock, you walk by them on the street every day, never noticing. Invisible. No self-worth. But you take those…
Thomas: I wanted to tell you I’ve been accepted to a music Conservatory in Ireland. I’ll soon be leaving the city. Charon: That’ll be…
Charon: May I ask you a question, Sir? Cormac: Sure. Charon: What was it that Thomas was trying to steal? Cormac: You. Loyalty.
Winston: I need guns. Lots of guns.
Frankie: You both need to look after each other. You hear me? Winston: What are you saying? Frankie: That they want me? And this?…