L - Rya and Danny - The Crowded Room
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Rya's son Ezra tries to wake a passed-out Rya.

She asks him to eat breakfast and prepare for school, but he keeps complaining that his stomach hurts. Rya's mom comes to look after him as she heads to work.

She learns that the university would not give her tenure and has offered it to a male professor. She goes to her psychology class, and after a lecture, a police officer approaches her.

They are revealed to have engaged in a sexual relationship, but he is there in a professional capacity.

He introduces her to Danny's case, which she sees as an opportunity to impress the university and get tenured. She agrees to look into it.

In the police station, she learns the contradicting facts of the case and goes to talk to Danny. The encounter ends badly as Danny breaks out of his cuff and startles her.

At home, her mother gives her grief for ignoring her son.

She goes to dinner with her ex-husband, and they argue about Ezra's custody.

She hears something on TV which gives her an idea. Rya talks to her boss and asks for a second chance. If she proves that Danny had DID, she gets tenured.

She visits the boarding house and finds Danny's art book. She runs into Candy, and they talk about Danny's childhood, including Adam and Marlin. Candy is in denial.

Rya visits Danny, who would be transferred to Rikers, and he mentions someone named Jack.

Rya shows Matty Danny's book and floats that Jack might be Danny's other personality.

Danny has been transferred to Rikers, so Rya talks to his attorney to convince him to allow her to see him. He agrees.

Rya meets Jack for the first time and asks him to let Danny talk to her. Jack is protective of Danny and initially declines.

Matty brings Rya a tape proving they may never find Ariana because she's not real.

Eventually, Jack allows Rya to talk to Danny, and he recounts everything we've been watching so far.

His story shakes Rya, and she cries. She goes home, hugs her mother, gets in bed and hugs her son.

The Crowded Room
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The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Rya: Do you know who lived with him across the street?
Candy: I don't know who was full-time. There was a girl there a lot. People come and go.

Rya: Maybe he's unaware of his actions when he's Jack. Or he thinks somebody else is doing them.
Matty: You're serious.
Rya: Matty, if I'm right, Danny may be innocent.
Matty: How the hell does that work exactly?
Rya: Because it's his other personality who's the criminal.
Matty: Right. Good luck telling that to a jury.