L - Inside Danny's Mind - The Crowded Room
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Rya visits Danny in jail. Danny notices that Rya seems nervous. Rya tells Danny that Jack has visited her.

Rya shows Danny the tape from the Rockefeller shooting. She tells Danny that he is the only one on the tape. It has always been Danny alone. Danny is shocked. Yitzhak takes over.

Danny wakes up on the grass outside the barn. He goes into the barn, and it looks surreal, looking very complex. Danny walks around and hears voices talking. He follows their direction and meets Jonny, Leon, Jack, and Yitzhak there.

Yitzhak is arguing with someone. Jonny and Leon are arguing. In the room with Rya, Yitzhak is furious with Rya. The guards come for Danny. Leon takes over before Danny's dragged away.

Inside the barn, the alters discuss the current state of affairs.

The following morning, Danny wakes up as Jonny and asks for blow from other prisoners. He gets into a fight, and Yitzhak takes over to prevent him from getting killed.

Rya and Stan prepare for a prelim hearing about Danny's case. A judge wants to know if Danny is fit to stand trial.

Psychiatrists try to see what Rya claims is valid but don't believe it.

The alters decide to sabotage Rya's attempt so that they can preserve themselves. Jack embarrasses Rya in front of the panel.

The judge decides Danny is fit to stand trial.

Stan tries to get the DA to go easy on Danny, but she disagrees with his view.

The alters discuss what's next, and Yitzhak says Danny should face the consequences for his actions. The others don't agree. Jack kills Yitzhak.

Arianna visits Danny and takes him through the barn, telling him how they operate. She shows him other dead alters that existed before them.

Jack tries to get Danny to go to trial and not plead insanity. They send him out to convince Rya.

The following day, Danny asks for Rya's help.

The Crowded Room
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The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Danny. Your mind is extraordinarily good at rationalizing. At unspooling narratives in real time. At making the improbable possible. You've had a lifetime of it.


I'm gonna make you a wager, Stan. When I look hard at him, and I'm gonna look at him real hard... I'm gonna find a history of violence. I'm gonna find that somehow he managed to slip through the cracks. He shot people in Midtown in broad daylight, and you want a pass? Rikers is filled with young Black and brown men who did far less. Where was their pass? Where was their plea bargain when they needed a break? Your client will get the benefit of the doubt because he has the privilege of a justice system that was built for people who look like him, but he's not gonna get a pass from me. So, no. I'm not just gonna plead him out. We're going to trial.
