When In Rome - The Flight Attendant
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Cassie makes her way to Rome, but starts to stress when Miranda doesn't show up for the flight.

Miranda has been hurt while trying to get the book, and the airport wants her to get checked.

Cassie gets off the plane and finds herself confronted by Feliks, but she gets airport security on him.

Miranda gets the next flight and is confronted by Feliks in the elevator, and is knocked out.

Cassie meets her Rome boyfriend and asks him to get her a gun, and tells him everything.

She goes to his mother's to obtain it, but Cassie waits outside and realizes that alcohol is what caused her to be in this mess, and vows to change.

After returning to the hotel, she is confronted by Feliks, but Shane saves the day by shooting him.

We learn that Shane is a CIA operative and has been working to take down Megan for colluding with North Korea.

Cassie returns to New York, and speaks with Annie, who helped take down Felix.

Miranda drops the book off and leaves a note saying she would be in contact soon.

Cassie moves on with her life and ponders her future in the seat as it braces for takeoff.

The Flight Attendant
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The Flight Attendant Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Cassie: Let's catch a killer.
Miranda: Who says that?

Cassie: You don't think Miranda's coming, maybe ghosting me?
Alex: She might already be dead.