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On The Goldbergs Season 2 Episode 9, while Barry is out at the mall with his friends he is approached by a photographer and offered a job as a model; only catch is it will cost him $100. When Barry tells Beverly all about the modeling job she is over the moon and offers to give him the money for the head shots and is convinced that this is the start of a new career for Barry. Erica offers up her advice and tries to convince them that this is just a scam and that Barry is an idiot for even going along with it. Of course no one listens to Erica and Barry goes to get his pictures taken. While at the shoot, the photographer offers a modeling job to Beverly and says that it would be perfect to have mother and son together in photos. Barry is against it at first, but Beverly goes along with it.

At the house, Erica convinces her mom that it is a scam by showing Beverly the pictures that the same photographer took of her a couple years ago when he said that Erica could be a model. Beverly realizes that it is a scam, but instead of telling Barry she threatens the photographer and gets him to put Barry on the cover of one of the pamphlets the photographer gives out.

Meanwhile, Murray's dad makes an appearance and Adam tries to get him to open up to the family and become closer to Murray. Unfortunately his grandfather has a lot of negative feelings about Murray and it just makes father and son fight. Adam decides to throw in the towel after his grandfather calls him a moron and Murray swoops in to protect his son. 

The Goldbergs
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