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The pediatrician says Steve is not gaining weight fast enough and says he needs to supplement with formula. Shaun says this will make it easier for him to do nighttime feedings.

There are new residents coming thanks to a new program Glassman set up. A new resident, Charlie, has ASD too and talks a mile a minute until another doctor makes her stop. She is thrilled to be on Shaun's team.

Charlie takes too long introducing herself to a patient. The patient is having shortness of breath and fainted while coughing. He insists he's fine. The man is in a hurry to leave. Charlie needs a video to help her bandage his head. However, Jared says the patient's family was uncomfortable. Shaun doesn't see what the big deal is.

Park sees a guy who had a subdural hematoma. He recognizes one of the new doctors, DOm, as a former football player. The guy wants to bet Asher on whether Dom gets an A. Asher declines. Dom faints at the sight of blood.

Asher is laughing about this later. Dom comes in and says he's sorry. He didn't eat breakfast. He's fasvinated by the brain scan. They discover a brain tumor.

Shaun realizes that the man has quartz dust in his lungs. Charlie is impressed. Shaun says the man needs a llung transplant. The daughter is surprised. Charlie takes notes. The daughter wants him to move in with her. He doesn't want to.

Lea wants a prescription for an off-label breast milk produciton medicaiton. She doesn't want to use the formula and feels like a failure as a mom.

Park says he can't remove the tumor because of it's location. The patient suggests all sorts of things. Dom suggests a TCR. The guy likes the idea. Park says it's a very complex surgery and will likely leave him quadriplegic if he even survives. He should just enjoy his remaining time. He has no one because of his gambling addiction.

Glassman is annoyed that Lim set up a meeting for him that he doesn't want to attned.

Charlie sees the daughter singing a sexy birthday message to someone and realizes she's an escort. After asking all sorts of intrusive questions the woman admits she's a sex worker and asks her not to tell her dad.

Charlie makes comments that give away the daughter's secret.

Park talks to Lim who says don't let medical students speak. Also she won't make the decision for him about what to do about the patient.

Lim finds that Glassman  has had a billion boxes sent to her office.

The father has now called off the transplant. Shaun says Charlie is to blame. Jared says Shaun would have made the same kind of mistake back in the day. Shaun decides he's giving Charlie grunt work from now on.

Dom again faints at the sight of blood.

Park does a simulated surgery and keeps failing it.

Jared, Asher, and Jordan discuss which med student will fail out first.

Glassman tries to make amends with Shaun who says this is not an apology.

Charlie feels a need to come to the OR and announce she's watching Grace's webcam videos. Shaun says Rich can fly home but not til he talks to him.

Morgan cmoes home and finds Park taking care of Eden. He tells her about the patient wanting the TCR surgery. But only the best of the best can pull this off. Morgan says that's him. Eden starts babbling.

Shaun tries to convince Rich to talk to Grace. Grace tries to convince him to do the transplant, even if he doesn't want to live with her. He says she has to stop what she's doing. She says she likes what she does. He says she's hurting him. She leaves.

Park tells his patient he will only do the surgery if he's going to make something out of his life afterward. The guy says he has a gambling problem but doesn't want to reconcile with his ex-wife.Why should Park believe him? The guy says because I'd die otherwise.

Shaun ays to Charlie as they are scrubbing up that he is getting better at empathy. Charlie says neurotypicals are weird.

In the OR Charlie is disappointed she can't shave the patient's chest. She touches her earring nervously and Shaun says she's contaminating everything and sends her out of the room.

Morgan comes to see Lea and sees her pumping and says this is not a reason to skip the party. Morgan tells her that when Eden cries during the night, Alex wakes up and she doesn't.  Lea says that Morgan being able to throw a party while taking care of a kid with Turner syndrome makes her the greatest mom. Morgan says she uses foormula exclusively.

Lim has found space for all the boxes. Glassman asks for a truce. He walks into a surprise party supposedly for his 80th birthday.

Charlie complains to Dom. He says he's about to faint. Charlie slaps him and says that more blood flow will stop him from fainting.

Morgan observes Park in surgery, Asher assisting. Park sits down at the machine that he kept failing during the simulation.

Park continues with the surgery.  He is successful. Everyone watching applauds.

Rich wakes up from surgery and Grace is there. She has found him a place to help with his meals and medicine. He wants to stay with her if she still wants him to.

Shaun wants Charlie to give him a report on sterilization procedures. She says she has reorganized everything making a great day even greater. Shaun is annoyed with her positive attitude and tells her to go home.

Park looks at the patient's phone and finds out he placed bets.

Dom finds Charlie sitting on a bench looking upset. Shaun is her hero and he doesn't appreciate her organizational skills. Dom plays Bejeweled for her.

At Eden's party, Morgan is proud of Lea for using formula with Steve.Jordan. Asher, and Jared compare stupid things they did when they first started.

Shaun comes up to Glassman with the baby and randomly starts talking about sex work. He says it's okay or family to disagree.

The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

You gotta have skin in the game.


Lim: I thought that being co-presidents would mean we do things together.
Glassman: I was going for I do some things and you do some things.
Lim: Your some things lead to more work for me.