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Politics clashed with family this week, as Wendy Scott-Carr went to both rival campaigns with a poster that was being distributed in African-American neighborhoods. It bashed her for marrying a white man and questioned if she were truly black.

Wendy threatened to retaliate by releasing a flier that said Becca aborted Zach's baby and Peter paid for it. As you can imagine, this upset Alicia GREATLY. She approached Eli about it, who did a couple things: he told Becca to deny any questions if asked and learned she actually aborted her former teacher's baby. He also discovered that Peter's PAC was behind the Scott-Carr posted, resulting in Peter cutting ties with them and bankrupting his campaign.

Alicia admired this move and concluded the episode by leaving her bedroom door open for her husband.


- Cary was a major focus of a case that centered on one prison inmate killing another. We saw him and his team in action, while also watching Cary press Childs for a raise, using Diane's offer as leverage. Cary won the case, in the end, using Lemond Bishop as a key witness.

- Bishop was an issue for Lockhart/Gardner & Bond, as well. They took on the case in question because they wanted to impress the drug kingpin, with Bond clearly wanting him as a client. Will and Diane continued to scheme behind their partner's back, wondering which equity partner might vote him out.

- Blake discovered what he thinks is the secret Kalinda has been hiding: her true identity is that of a Canadian woman named Lela who supposedly died years ago.

- In private investigator news, Childs told his office he would be looking into Kalinda and who leaked her information (careful, Cary), while Cary went to an old friend to help the state's attorney do some digging of its own. The guy was an expert in his field, and in being a stay-at-home father. It was fun to watch him gather information while pushing his daughter around in a stroller.

The Good Wife
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