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Having "broken" the moon, the group has 12 hours to stop it from colliding with earth.

Their efforts fail and the world is destroyed. However, time is then reset to 12 hours before the collision, and only Margo and Eliot remember the previous events. The duo eventually figure out they are in a time loop.

They continue to fail and end up seeking out Stoppard, a horomancer for help. Stoppard tells them they are immune due to the temporal perfum they sprayed on themselves on The Magicians Season 5 Episode 2.

However Stoppard's machine has no effect, and Eliot and Margo learn the portal to Fillory isn't working either.

To think outside the box, the pair throw a bunch of parties, hoping to learn something new. 

Margo finds a lead and goes to Fisher Beach to look into it, leaving Eliot behind. However, her immunity is then wiped away, leaving Eliot alone in the time loop.

All the while, the voice in Eliot's head and writing on the wall in blood get worse with every time loop, still believing the Monster is inside him.

Josh suggests opening the door, and Eliot learns it was Charlton trying to get out.

Eliot, accompanied by Charlton, go to Fisher Beach and learn the whales have implemented a fail safe that resets time to 12 hours earlier to stop the release of the kraken, something that happens when the moon collides with earth.

Eliot also learns the whales took away Margo's immunity.

He begs the whales to release the kraken earlier, thus sending him back before the heist. 

The whales eventually oblige, and Eliot is able to stop Marina from interfering. The group is then able to stop the harmonic convergence by moving the moon.

At the end of the episode, Julia learns the apocalypse has not been stopped as Fillory is still in danger of destruction.

The Magicians
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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Alice: It may not be enough.
Julia: Well, we make it enough. Today, we are saving the world, and this time, it’s gonna stick.
Kady: Damn right we are.

Margo: Let’s review: Emergency code words if this all goes shit-shaped.
Eliot: Umm …
Margo: Really?
Eliot: Kidding. OK, as follows: credenza, no questions asked; inglenook, tie those fools up and toss them through the Fillory portal; chifforobe, flee to Canada; armoire, shield up stat, kimono …
Together: All hell’s broken loose.