Susie's suggestion - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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At the Maisels, Moishe and Shirley watch a sitcom with Esther (who draws) and Ethan (who etch-a-sketches). Miriam and Rose smell something funny. Rose informs Shirley that the black keys on the piano smell like onions.

Midge mentions that the man on the sitcom, Danny Stevens, will be on The Gordon Ford Show, and she can get them tickets.

Rose was looking for a place to throw a party and was examining the Maisels' home to see if it would work. As Midge and Rose leave with Ethan and Esther, Midge asks why they couldn't just have the party at their apartment. Rose says it's too small.

In 1973 on the Upper West Side, Rose throws a fancy party in a mansion. It turns out she's filming a commercial for her "Romance Emporium." She gets flustered and stops, much to the disappointment of the crew.

The director tells her she must keep moving until she finds her mark. Rose calls Midge over. Midge tries to convince Rose that this is what she wants, as Rose was hoping to expand her matchmaking business regionally.

Rose asks Midge to do the commercial, but Midge says she'll support her from off-camera.

Back in 1961, Rose tries to turn on the stove. Midge does Esther's hair. Abe teaches Ethan piano. It's a struggle to get the kids to school without Zelda.

Zelda arrives, looks at the stove, and tells Rose the pilot light is out, but it's easy to fix. Zelda lights the gas with a match, telling Rose she has shown her many times before, and asks if she's looked in the book.

Zelda shows Rose the binder she has made, with instructions on everything in the house.

Midge comes to the kitchen and starts looking through the book. Janusz enters, telling Zelda he is double parked. Zelda and Janusz argue in Polish. He thinks she should leave them be. Esther appears, asking Zelda for help.

Janusz tells Zelda she has to stop helping them as she doesn't work for them anymore. He stresses how incompetent they are. The phone rings. Zelda goes to answer it, but Janusz tells her not to.

Rose answers the phone.

The bathtub is overflowing and leaking into their downstairs neighbors. Janusz helps the plumber. The plumber pulls out a toy boat from the drain.

Midge confronts Ethan, but he says she has never told him not to put things down the drain.

Rose tells Miriam that the carpet will need to be replaced before her party next week. Miriam realizes she's late for the parent tour at Ethan's school. She asks Abe if he can go in her place. Abe reluctantly agrees.

Midge arrives at work late, ranting about her situation at home. The writers listen until she gets a cup of coffee. Midge asks what they are talking about. They inform her they were discussing Danny Stevens. The staff gets called to the "railings."

Mike announces to the staff that he is now the producer of The Gordon Ford Show, as many of them already know. He makes a speech, clearly feeling great, until he sees Gordon. Gordon is friendly and tells him to continue.

Mike gets flustered. Gordon continues to heckle him with "official new producer" requests until Mike finally dismisses them. The staff applauds and gets back to work. Gordon sees Midge, whistles jauntily around her, and gets to work.

At the Alcott School, which Ethan attends, Mrs. Moyers shows the mothers and Abe around. Abe delights in the tasty snack. Mrs. Moyers shows off the children's groups in the "Free To Be" library area.

Mrs. Moyers show off the engineering, math, reading, astronomy, and language groups, all excelling in their work. Abe notices a group of children dancing in a circle, Ethan among them. Mrs. Moyers tells him this is the "happy group."

Mrs. Moyers introduces Abe to Mrs. Foster, who tells him that Ethan is one of the happiest children at the school. Mrs. Moyers explains that the children take an aptitude test at the beginning of the year and are then placed accordingly. Abe insists Ethan retake the test.

Danny Stevens is in the writer's room when Midge returns. Danny tells the story of working with a very young Alvin. Alvin introduces Midge to Danny. Danny realizes he is in Midge's seat and gets up.

Danny says he's trying to sell a book that needs to do well. He reads the jokes his writers gave him this morning, and they all fall flat. Alvin assures Danny they will write him some jokes.

Midge suggests he tells some stories about his real life since that's what the book is about. She says it's interesting and real, so he should be able to "find the funny." Trudy comes in, telling Danny that Gordon is ready for him. Danny asks again for some jokes and exits.

Mrs. Moyers is surprised that Ethan has performed worse on the aptitude test upon retaking it. Abe expresses disbelief. Mrs. Moyers assures him that Ethan probably panicked since he wasn't expecting the test.

Mrs. Moyers tells Abe that because Ethan retook the test so soon after doing it the first time, this score will replace the old one. Ethan appears, expressing his joy at the discovery of glitter.

Moishe and Shirley sit in the front row at The Gordon Ford Show. Shirley asks Midge to thank the person who got them the tickets and gives her a sandwich to give to Danny.

The show begins. Gordon Ford introduces Danny Stevens, who enters to great applause. They banter, and Gordon displays Danny's book. Gordon goes through the book, pulling up an old black-and-white photo of Danny's parents.

Danny talks about how his parents were immigrants and tells the story of how they arrived in America -- complete with jokes and getting lots of laughs. He describes how they made it to New York and had nine children.

Danny speaks of his hard-working mother and how she accidentally ran over his father with a laundry van, killing him. He explains that his mother had children die and Nazis wiped out her family, but she only cried when he told her he was going to be a comedian. Danny gets laughs and applause.

At Toots Shor, Danny calls Midge over to sit him with Gordon and Alvin. Danny insists Midge is responsible for his success that evening. He talks Midge up to Gordon, saying how excellent her idea was.

Gordon is surprised they know each other, and Danny explains they only met in the writers' room. Gordon is surprised since he is rarely allowed in the writers' room. Danny says he has a few projects he'd like to bring Midge on board for, including writing on sitcoms starring women.

Midge insists she's not a scriptwriter. Gordon is annoyed, but Danny speaks plainly -- he is offering Midge a job. Gordon gets mad that Danny is poaching one of his writers.

Danny insists she's talented. Gordon makes a side comment that Danny is after something else other than her talent. Things get heated between Danny and Gordon. Gordon wants to fight. Toots grabs Gordon and kicks him out.

At Columbia University in 1954, Abe gives Joel a drink, and they toast Miriam. Abe talks about how Midge wants kids. Joel mentions her "three before 30" plan.

Abe says they will probably have at least one son, and there are gifts that are passed down to the firstborn male in the Weissman family.

Apparently, Weissman boys are born with great intellect that kicks in at age six. Abe shows Joel a book that lists all the accomplishments of the firstborn Weissman men -- doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. Joel says his firstborn will be a Maisel, not a Weissman.

Abe assures him Miriam's Weissman genes will overtake his. Abe tells Joel to ignore his son until he turns six and that Miriam will do the communicating until then. Abe tells him of Noah's prowess with the violin at age six. Joel is confused. Abe welcomes Joel to the family.

Abe, Rose, Midge, Noah, and Astrid have breakfast together. Noah and Astrid share that they are trying to have another baby.

Abe asks Midge why she never mentioned Ethan's aptitude test. Midge says she didn't know about it and asked how Ethan did. Abe says he failed and has the potential only for happiness.

Abe insists that men of great minds can never be happy. He goes on about what Ethan does at school and how Midge doesn't seem to care.

Zelda and Janusz arrive. Janusz is berating Zelda for being at the Weissmans' beck and call. Zelda brings them a tablecloth, yelling at them that all the info is in the book she made.

Zelda tells Astrid she will make the fertility tea and then yells at them that she and Janusz are getting their phone taken away. Zelda storms out.

Joel arrives. Abe asks what he did to Ethan. Abe reminds Joel about the "no talking before six" rule, but Joel didn't realize Abe was serious.

Rose back Abe up and reminds Joel of the Weissman firstborn male book. Noah nods in agreement. Miriam tells Joel about the happiness group at school. Noah reminds Abe that there were exceptions; sometimes, it didn't kick in under age seven.

Astrid worries that Chaim will be stupid. Noah said that if that happened, at least he could play with Ethan. Midge and Joel tell them to cut it out, and Joel calls for Ethan and Esther. Ethan enters, clucking like a chicken, and heads out with Joel and Esther.

Susie plays poker with Mike and his talented booker friends, including Ken and Pete. Susie is winning handily. Mike and Susie go for a smoke on the balcony. Mike asks why the bad blood between her and Ken -- she tells him he's Shy Baldwin's agent.

Mike tells her Pete books Jack Paar, and Pete is putting together a showcase of up-and-comers, and Midge is in. Susie asks about Gordon's show, and Mike states the rule, which Susie reminds him was George's rule. Mike says now it's Gordon's rule now, too. Mike advises Susie to take Paar's gift.

At the Wolford, the dancers try to get an animal out of the vents.

Susie arrives and takes Midge aside. Susie tells her the news -- that she's got a showcase with Jack Paar. She's the only woman on the bill.

Midge is still trying to understand why she isn't going to get a spot on The Gordon Ford Show. Susie insists that she should take the opportunity with Paar -- it'll make Gordon look like a fool, plus it'll be fun to piss Gordon off.

The dancers come running out of the dressing room as the animal escapes.

Midge arrives at work. Mike confronts her, asking why she's getting a raise, now making as much as the men. She says she didn't know, nor does she know why.

Midge enters Gordon's office and asks why she got a raise. Gordon says he had to do it since Danny Stevens was trying to poach her.

Midge says she doesn't think Danny was hitting on her. Gordon insists he was. She tells him she going to do the showcase for Jack Paar; she's the only girl. She asks if Gordon wants to book her first. He doesn't respond.

Midge back out but then reapproaches Gordon's desk and firmly tells him she will get it. She leaves.

At the showcase, Midge and Susie lament the sameness of the male comics. Midge is told she's up next. She heads to the stage. She starts her set, and the crowd warms to her immediately.

After the showcase, Eugene sits beside her. They smoke. He tells her she was funny, and he stank. Susie talks to Pete, who says he doesn't get Midge's act. Susie insists she's getting funny, but Pete explains that Jack doesn't get it.

Pete brings up James, saying he wants to book James and promote him since he'll be the next big thing with his movie coming out soon.

Susie insists she's not talking about James; she's talking about Midge, who killed the crowd and wiped the floor with the other comics.

Pete says he wants James. Susie isn't about to give him up, but Midge cuts in, saying Susie should book James. She says it's okay if Jack Paar doesn't "get" her. Midge insists Susie doesn't hurt James in the process.

Pete tells Midge she is a class act. Midge thanks Pete for the opportunity and heads out while Susie and Pete talk to James.

Later, Susie tells James the news. He is thrilled. He asks when. Susie tells him she wants him to turn it down, as it's not his turn. She insists he doesn't need Paar yet -- he should wait until the movie comes out, then do it. James tells her to book him, or he'll find someone else who will.

On the Upper East Side, in 1973, at the commercial shoot. Susie arrives, impressed by the setup.

The accountant, Brian, tells Midge this already costs triple what was intended. Rose's business has become a substantial financial drain on Midge. They should close the business, negotiate severance, and try to sell the building.

Brian suggests that Midge pay Rose a salary. Susie concurs. Midge tells them that Rose loves the business more than anything, so they will keep it going and keep making commercials since it's all she can do for her in the brief time Rose has left.

Midge tells Susie to book the Australian tour. Rose rushes in, suggesting a commercial with success stories from former clients. Midge agrees.

In 1961, Midge gets home. Rose is still awake, saying the place smells like mildew and the bathroom isn't fixed, so she can't have her event here. She'll need to rent a hall and spend her own money.

Midge doesn't respond and goes to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror, throws a jar, and it smashes. Midge starts to cry.

Esther is in the hallway; she heard something crash. Abe gets up and tells her to go back to bed. Abe hears Midge crying in the bathroom. He knocks. She tells him, "Not now."

Abe hears perfect piano playing. Delighted, he heads to the parlor, shocked to discover that it is Esther playing the piano.

A scene from The Danny Stevens show plays over the end credits, in which a boy named Skippy picks Danny and Carole's daughter Nancy up for a date. It ends with Danny alone at the piano, singing about his daughter Nancy.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

I cannot expose unmarried women to nude wood floors. It would feel like a brothel.

Rose Weissman

Rose Weissman: Your face still has traces of my face in it, so it’s almost the same face.
Miriam "Midge" Maisel: That’s a weird way of saying you’ve had work done.