Honeymoon Hell - The Rookie
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Bailey and Nolan arrive to their honeymoon resort, and it's nothing like advertised.

Lucy pulled an all-nighter studying for her detective's exam. She's the most concerned about the oral exam. Bradford lifts her up and supports her.

Thorsen confides in his therapist about the kiss with Celina and she tells him that it's natural for him to have a shared trauma with Celina and that's why things are so confusing. She encourages him to set boundaries with her.

Nolan brings loads of various types of cameras to their honeymoon ranging from button cameras and drones to night vision.

Thorsen tries to apologize for the kiss by giving Celina a new laptop, which she rejects.

Grey tells Celina that he may have done her a disservice by focusing on Aaron after the attacks and not her and they overview her choice to go off alone. She's working with Bradford for the day.

Tim gets Lucy to accompany them fearing that she's overpreparing for the exam.

Nolan and Bailey obsess over a mysterious guy with his faced all wrapped up on the island resort with them.

Bradford wants to kick Celina and Lucy out when they start gossiping about how weird things are between Celina and Aaron.

They respond to a bloodied and injured man stealing at a store. He claims to not know who he is despite the ID tag on him. Bradford doesn't buy that the guy doesn't know who he is, and the guy pukes all over Celina.

When Bailey and Nolan return from kayaking, they notice that someone left their patio door open. While they're in bed, someone is spying on them from outside.They notice it the next morning on the camera and Nolan sets up more cameras.

They want to take the next ferry out of there, but won't one be come until they're supposed to leave.

They check on the John Doe at the hospital and Celina speaks to Luna about Thorsen.

The John Doe thinks that he's a spy who was posoined by North Korea and that he has a partner who needs to be saved.

While on the beach, Nolan finds someone floating in the water covered in kelp and pulls them to shore. It's a dead body. And someoen gossiping nearby says it's not uncommon around those parts.

Nolan manages to facetime Harper about the body and she and Angela are headed for backup when they lose connection with him.

The women decide to head their using Wesley's credit card and get reimbursed.

Nolan and Bailey head into the walk in freezer where Martha, the DOB is held, and they perform an external autopsy. They have a suspect and things escalate when the power has gone out, it's dark, and Elise, the woman who was helping them at the resort knocks on the door. Nolan opens it and both disappear.

Bailey goes after John.

Lucy sleeps in but finds out that the test got moved up, so she only has 20 minutes to get there.

Harper and Angela show up with guns and preparation when they oland on the island and hear screaming.

Lucy figures out that the John Doe may have been a thief who was planning to rob a jewelry store in North Korea.

Harper and Angela search the footage via cameras in John and Bailey's  place.

Tim and Celina head to where they think the John Doe was and find his partner stuck in the wall.

Lucy gets called in for the exam, and when she gets thsere thinking that she's late, she has to wait all day behind a bunch of other people and then she's the last one there.

Primm is a dick with her and brings up the clown crime scene.

On the footage, Harper and Angela see that the guy who was all bandaged up has them held hostage. Nolan ends up in a knife fight with the guy when he shoots at them and someone else.

Harper and Angela arrive to help with matters and an air lift comes for them.

The guy killed his girlfirend and got plastic surgery and ran away and thought Nolan found him out.

Lucy sees that she only placed 17th on the list, so she won't be detective anytime soon and Tim gives her comfort.

Celina and Thorsen continue clearing the air.

Bailey and Nolan finish their honeymoon at home, drama-free.



The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Grey: I'm worried that I focused too much on Aaron after the attacks that I did you a disservice.
Celina: Thank you, Sir. But I"m fine.

Tim: I'm going to take a shower.
Lucy: Right now?
Tim: Yeah.
Lucy: Maybe I could take a break.