Questioning Their Future - The Summer I Turned Pretty
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Belly sneaks out of the house preparing to go with Jeremiah, catching a bus to meet up with him.

It's juxtaposed with her sneaking out to meet Conrad during Christmas break as they head to the beach together.

Belly debates whether or not to tell Laurel the truth about where she's going. She lies and says that she's with Taylor.

Jeremiah reaches out to everyone to see if they've heard from Conrad and has no luck.

Laurel plans to go to NYC to a book sales event for her book named after the third book in TSITP series.

Things are awkward between Jeremiah and Belly when they meet up at Conrad's doorm. Conrad's roommate says he was yelling at someone on the phone before he left.

The roommate tells them that Conrad was depressed over Belly and also that he's headed to the beach.

Belly chooses to go with Jeremiah to Cousins even though he claims he doesn't need her to go with him.

Conrad and Belly in the flashback head to Cousins beach to see snow on the beach and Conrad tells her that he's changing to Biology so he can be pre-med.

Belly tells Jeremiah that she hasn't talked to Conrad since the funeral, and he says taht they don't talk about her when they do talk. The tire blows out.

Steven bumps into Taylor at the bookstore and barely manages to cover for BellyHe texts Belly and he realizes that she's lying.

rather tahn wait for AAA, Belly talks Jeremiah through changing a tire.But it's not working and Jeremiah blows up. She apologizes for everything.

They have an emotional moment of crying and making up with each other when she apologizes for forgetting about him and not being there for him when Susannah died.

Steven goes to confront Taylor about her lying about Belly. Steven is upset about Jeremiah calling Belly and not her.

Belly and Jeremiah stop at one of their favorite spots to get something to eat together.

They bump into Nicole who offers her condolences and offers to hang out with her soon.

Conrad and Belly spend time inside the beachhouse, drink hot cocoa together, and he starts a fire.

Conrad keeps trying to make a move but Belly doesn't seem wise to it before they run outside to play in the snow.

Belly is hesitant to head into the beach house when she and Jeremiah arrive.

Flashbacks to Conrad and Belly coming back inside from playing in the snow. They start to kiss and Conrad stops her and wants her to know that he didn't bring her there to pressure her into anything.

She says that she knows but wants to move forward anyway an wants her first time to be with him. They make love to each other by the fireplace.  When he's asleep later, she tells him that it has always been him.

In the present, Belly hears Jeremiah talking to Conrad, she walks in just as he's saying that the beach house is getting sold. She inquires about he, and he asks what she's doing there.




The Summer I Turned Pretty
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The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

You think I'm pissed about the funeral? The funeral was fucked; everyone was messed up. I'm pissed about last summer. Belly, you were my best friend. We hooked up, then you hooked up with my brother, and then everyone expected me to act like I was fine, and I wasn't!


Do you think I'm a bad mom?

Laurel [to Steven]