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Sarah wakes up at John's hungover, while Enzo officially moves back in with Gabe. 

Katie and Sarah argue over whether or not Katie should tell the father of her child that she is pregnant. She does eventually tell him and his reaction is not what she hoped for. 

Ben takes out a loan and pays Ava's bond so she can be released. 

Patricia and Ron go to the doctors and they're informed that her cancer is aggressive and she will need to start treatments soon. Patricia tells Ron that she doesn't want other people to know that she is sick. 

Nick visits Amy, the widow of one of the soldiers that were under his command, and he invites her to the rooftop party. 

Sarah finds Jagger's mom and tells her about Katie's pregnancy. 

Gabe's father comes to visit and expresses his displeasure that Enzo is moving in with him. 

Katie confronts Sarah at the party about going to Jagger's mother and the two argue. Nick follows after Sarah and the two share a moment that is witnessed by John. He subsequently breaks things off with her. 

Enzo and Ron convert storage space in the basement into a study room for Gabe. 

Ava sells some of her belongings so she can begin to pay Ben back. And later the two share a kiss. 

Nick and Amy get intimate before Nick tells her how her husband died. Amy slaps Nick but then embraces him and the two kiss.


The Village
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The Village Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

That'll be good for you. Family.

Amy [to Nick]

Sarah: I didn't have sex.
Katie: Are you bragging or apologizing?