Perrin and Egwene - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 3
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The first thing shown to us is how Nynaeve survived the Trolloc attack after she disappeared.

She hid in the rivers until a Trolloc found her, and then she killed him by sneaking up behind him under the water. She then ran, tracking Lan as far she could until she found him.

She's pissed at Lan for leaving her friends behind in the deadly city, but also realizes that Moiraine's condition is horrible.

Lan is pissed that Nynaeve was able to track him so easily, and ties her up until she agrees to help Moiraine live (she serves as a healer).

Nynaeve gets to work on Moiraine's wounds as Lan watches on, making sure that she doesn't run away.

The two separated groups of travelers deal with two different groups of people.

Perrin and Egwene deal with the wolves for a while, then suddenly a tribe of traveling peoples appears and gives them food, water, and hospitality.

Mat and Rand arrive in a small town surrounded by mountains, where they both become smitten with a barkeep.

Mat and Rand's story takes a rough turn when they learn that the barkeep is trying to keep them there because she works for the dark one.

Luckily, a mysterious performer from the bar heard everything and is keeping a close eye.

He throws his knife through the barkeep's neck, killing her instantly.

Rand and Mat gather their things and follow the mysterious man, as he is also heading east.

They go with him to avoid the darkness that is coming to the town, and they must leave fast to avoid meeting darkness.

Lan and Nynaeve take an injured Moiraine towards a familiar location for Moiraine.

Liandrin, one of Moiraine's Aes Sedai sisters, appears.

Liandrin claims they've captured a man calling himself the dragon reborn, who is revealed to be a man we have not met yet, and Moiraine sits stunned.

The Wheel of Time
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The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Lan: You think you know this world? You know nothing. The dark one is coming for your friends, and Moiraine has fought his forces with everything she has.
Nynaeve: If she cares about them so much then why did she leave them?
Lan: She didn't. I did.

Nynaeve: If I help her, she best give me the answers I want.
Lan: Are you really in a position to be giving demands?
Nynaeve: It's not a demand, it's a threat.