The Novices in Training
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A little girl is playing outside of a tented structure at night.

Suddenly, a horde of Trollocs is approaching the structure, and she runs inside, scared.

Ishmael tells her that he and a group of people are in the middle of a meeting, but guesses that there are monsters outside.

He takes the little girl outside, to take a look at the Trollocs.

They take their time looking at the Trolloc closest to them, and she touches its face, and laughs, no longer scared.

Elsewhere, in the daytime, Moiraine fetches water from a well.

She takes a bath, feeling emotional while Lan trains on his own.

Lan and Moiraineno longer share a deeper emotional connection anymore.

A stranger arrives for Moiraine, to conduct unknown business.

Egwene travels through the White Tower, getting used to her new daily life.

She meets up with Nynaeve in the kitchen, and they discuss being a novice.

A woman trains the novices in the kitchen on how to filter water using the one power.

Nynaeve challenges the woman training them, and she pushes back, claiming that Nynaeve has ten times the power Egewene has.

Instead of filtering the water, Nynaeve drinks the whole glass unfiltered.

Liandrin thinks Nynaeve needs a better teacher but the mistress of novices thinks Liandrin is too reckless because a novice died in her care.

The mistress agrees to let Liandrin have a talk with Nynaeve.

Perrin and Loial go on a hunt with the group they are traveling with.

The hunting group arrives at the man who set the signal fire they were following, where they find many dead bodies.

Perrin activates his Wolfbrother sight to be able to see what happened.

Moirane wants to buy a piece of rock that contains the one power.

Lan worries about Moirane, her silence concerning him.

There's an old poem that was written in blood on a piece of hard stone.

The man wants a lot of money for the hard stone, and she resists, but eventually pays, but just for the poem.

Moirane warns the man about the people following him, and gives him extra money to provide for his safety.

Nynaeve expresses her discomfort to some of the Warders.

Egwene meets with Alanna, who tries to get Egwene to open up and relax.

Nynaeve finally tries to channel, when Liandrin interrupts her.

Liandrin attacks Nynaeve after explaining to her about weapons.

Nynaeve attacks back, with Liandrin being impressed with her power.

Liandrin finally lets her go after a lecture about power.

Perrin confides in the tracker.

Lan tries to have a conversation with Moirane, but while still cold, she tells him partly what's going on.

He refuses to make her dinner.

Nynaeve and Egwene share an emotional moment when Nynaeve reads a letter from Perrin aloud.

As Nynaeve finishes the letter, Liandrin is revealed to be where Matt is.

It's implied that he's locked up by the red Aes Sedai.

Nynaeve and Egwene light a lantern for Rand, as does Perrin.

Lan complains more about Moirane.

The other women of the house explained that her being cut off from the one power would have killed a normal Aes Sedai.

Lan makes dinner for Moirane and leaves it for her.

Moirane heads out on a horse.

Moiraine tries to kill the fade herself, but Lan saves her.

However, the fade doesn't die after Lan's attack.

Lan continues his fight, but it becomes a losing battle.

Moirane tries to summon the One Power, but fails, when two other people come in and finish the job, killing The Fade.

Lan figures out that Moirane is hiding something from him.

The Wheel of Time
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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Egwene: Being a novice is a right of passage. Every single Aes Sedai has done it, even the Amyrlin. It builds character.
Nynaeve: I have enough character.

Liandrin: To be perfectly blunt, you've proven to be quite the disappointment. You're wasting your time with swords, its beneath you.
Nynaeve: The warders have taught me more in the last five months than all of your sisters combined.