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PART I: When Nick offers to take the day off so he can be with her and Summer, Phyllis thanks him but offers to hang out with him at work. Okaying the idea, Nick warns her to stay away from the meeting he has with his parents and David. Still concerned about Ji Min, Jill calls Cane and asks him to meet her later. Neil, Nick, Jack, Cane, Katherine and David meet and are surprised when Nikki admits that she took out a loan from Victor by using her marital assets as collateral.

Nick asks Victor why he didn't just give her the money but he responds that this is business.

PART II: Cane announces that the plan for Clear Springs is moving forward. After Kay confides to Cane that she's suspicious of Victor in all this, she reveals she's disinherited Jill to teach her a lesson but Cane suggests she's overreacting. Phyllis tells Jack she now realizes what she did was wrong and he assures her he has forgiven her. She warns him that if she goes to prison, Sharon (Sharon Case) will go after Nick again.

During lunch with Cane, Jill admits that she now thinks that Ji Min (Eric Steinberg) has been lying to her.

She confronts Ji Min and forces him to confirm that he was in cahoots with Jack. Devastated, Jill announces that she is done with him.

PART III: Sharon is encouraging after Noah admits his concern for Phyllis going to prison. He offers to make a video for Phyllis showing his support. Sharon okays it but suggests he might want to write a letter since she'll be able to read it while in prison. She also agrees that he will be able to visit her as well.

Later, Neil finds Sharon "hiding" in his office and she recounts how Noah and Jack are supporting Phyllis.

Offering to be her confidant like Dru once was, Neil asks her to spill what's on her mind and she confesses she is falling in love with Nick again.

He reminds her that Nick hurt her and warns her about ruining her marriage with Jack. Phyllis announces to Nick that if she goes to prison, she wants to get a divorce so he'll be free.

The Young and the Restless
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