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The Young and the Restless
July 30, 2008

Today on The Young and the Restless ...

Kay's not pleased to see Jill on TV speaking about Jabot.

At the crash site, Paul learns that the limo driver had no ID and was not the regular driver assigned to the car.

He and the investigator agree the car was hit from behind which means this was no accident. When Heather arrives, Paul warns that he thinks David killed Ji Min.

Hearing about David and Walter, Heather admits that she met Walter last night and offers to identify the limo drive from a morgue photo.

Though Amber is thrilled after their night of sex, Daniel lets her know that he can't get out of his mind her one-night stand with Adrian.

Arriving at work, Chloe brings a birthday cake for herself. Offering Amber a slice, Chloe suggests that she get pregnant to insure Daniel stays with her.

Chloe presents Lily with an ultrasound photo but Lily screams that Cane never slept with her. After agreeing with Jeffrey that now is the time to buy Jabot stock, Gloria decides to go chat with Brad.

Kay interrupts Brad and Jill's argument and demands to know what Jill is doing. Jill insists she had to take over but Nikki bursts in and boasts that "she's not dead yet."

Later, Paul advises Nikki that Walter killed David. Heather tells Jill that David killed Ji Min. Victor asks her father to let her see Sabrina but when he refuses, Sabrina invites her to stay.

Talking about the fun they had in Paris, Sabrina and Victoria end their differences. Out in the hall, J.T. shows Victor a photo of Walter and explains his role in the "accident."

After their chat, Victor warns Victoria he'll find the person responsible for "taking" their baby. Both Gloria and Jeffrey buy Jabot shares for "Agreeing Lovers, Inc." and secretly purchase some that they opt to hide from each other.

Daniel tells Amber that he wants them to be friends.

Until tomorrow on The Young and the Restless ...

The Young and the Restless
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