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The kids are growing up. Kevin and Randall are bickering. They have a Big Three phrase. It's breakfast and Kate is already eating a melon half for breakfast, although she doesn't look overweight for a kid to me.

Kate wonders why Toby is losing more weight than her. Can he be serious? He thinks he's just taking it more seriously than she is.

Beth wants to know how much longer Randall's crack addict daddy is going to be staying in their six-year-old daughter's bedroom. Ouch.

Jack is hanging with his best friend, Miguel, after work. He's on his second bourbon at 5:03 and complaining about Rebecca. His friend says he better stop because Rebecca is the gold standard of wives.

William is talking to the children about vices. When cocaine comes up, the parents break in.

Kevin is at his agent's office. She thought he was the least funny person on the planet. He was making almost $3 million a year, so famous he's wearing a ski-cap when it's almost 80 degrees outside and nobody says a damn thing. The network owns him for the next two years. He can't do anything. The part he's not going to like? He needs to show up to a party tonight and beg to be the manny again.

Kate says he's going to march up to the network guy and say "Manny out." Kevin wonders what he ever did the first two minutes of his life without her. And she's coming to the party, right? Because he needs her there.

While the family is watching TV, William walks in. He never even came back for dinner. Beth doesn't like it and thinks they're being taken advantage of.

At support group, Kate kind of snaps. She calls out two stories. Someone is a litterer and the skinny girl? Well, she's skinny!

She has to go to the party, and she has nothing to wear. She's not losing weight and she's not the mood for any of this. But agent Lanie? She's at the pinnacle of success and Toby wants to go with her to the party.

Kate tells her mom she only at fruit today, and Rebecca says she just wants her to be happy. She knows that right?

Kevin is calling Randall Webster. That's what all the kids at school call him. Everybody thinks it's weird that they're brothers.

Rebecca puts them all to sleep. Jack comes home an hour after they're in bed. Rebecca talks to him about his drinking. He's lowering their parenting score, which is a bummer, because when he's in, he's all in and a better parent than her.

Manny out steps over to Lanie while Kate and Toby take the dance floor. Kate looks around and just sees people laughing at them. His answer is to get her drunk.

Miguel calls Jack at the office. He thinks he overstepped. He's jealous of what Jack and Rebecca have.

Randall is running on the treadmill. Beth wants him showered and ready for bed. He can work off that another way.

Kevin is honest in the way he talks to the network guy. He hopes they can just move on. But despite Mr. Network's appreciation of his honestly, he and his wife are building a house on St. Maarten's and he wants to drift like he's on morphine. Hiring a new lead is not that feeling.

Kevin doesn't know what to do and can't just bite down and do it. He goes to find Kate, who is wasted and dancing like hell.

Beth is talking with William.

Kevin wants to talk with Randall. Flashback to school, and ditching "Webster" at school.

Randall is in bed, but Kevin talks anyway. They talk about where they've been and where they are. Randall does the Big Three thing. Kevin says he's going to go bed like the whore that he is. Randall says mom and dad didn't raise any whores.

Beth talked with William about her beautiful husband. He has a compulsive drive to be perfect. His place in Philadelphia is a long ride. As she's getting ready to say he's overstaying his welcome, William admits he's going back and forth to Philly to feed his cat. He doesn't want to leave.

Toby and Kate talk about her weight and how it will always be about her weight.

Kevin is moving to New York to do theater.

Jack is going to stop drinking. He'll be a 12 for Rebecca and an 11 for the kids. She finally opens her a gift. He got her moon necklace because of their song. They start making out in the hallway, and the kids take it as a pile drive.

The kids hear a knock on the door. Grandma and grandpa are here! It's Rebecca and Miguel.

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Kate: How are you losing weight and I'm not?
Toby: Can I be honest with you?
Kate: Yeah, please.
Toby: I think I'm just taking this more seriously than you are. [they laugh]

Jack: You want me to show you where my mouth is?
Rebecca: No. I know where it is.
Jack: K. Good. [they kiss]

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