Dealing With Scrutiny - Transplant
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Khaled gives Bashir forged transcripts. He also tells him he's been evicted. Bashir tells him about the policewoman at the hospital. Khaled tells him his request for asylum was denied and he can't appeal or skip the line because he is Libian, not Syrian. He stays with Bashir for a day but is seen by the super, so Bashir finds him the name of a shelter.

Bashir expresses concern about receiving his first paycheck. His rent is due and Amira worries about them being evicted. He takes out a loan.

Bishop tells Bashir that legal wants to talk to him before making a ruling regarding his missing transcripts. He admits to being an enemy of the state for smuggling in vaccines.

Wendy tells Bashir that he needs to do basics until they know they can trust him. He is assigned to a kid, Tristan, with the flu. His brother Max brought him. He has a 39 C fever, which is 102.2 F. When his father, Jared Abbott arrives, he wants him taken home. He doesn't believe in medications and hasn't had the boys vaccinated for anything. They discover Tristan has diphtheria. They save him.

When Max was a baby, he was vaccinated for something and became paralyzed for a week. The family swore off vaccination. Jared and his wife got the kids through sicknesses, but she died in a car crash. Max got vaccinated secretly.

June treats a fraternity brother with a lacrosse stick head injury. His pledge Ethan goes into cardiac arrest from drinking a bottle of soy sauce; hypernatremia, made worse by alcohol consumption. He dies.

June is seeing Lou the security guard. She wants to keep it quiet.

Mags attempts to treat a patient with apparent amnesia. She thinks she solves it, but it is unnecessary.

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Transplant Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Dr. Bishop: Legal's up in arms about your missing transcripts. They won't accept that you can't get the originals out of Aleppo.
Bashir: Any chance they've watched the news in the last five years?
Dr. Bishop: Apparently not. They want to see you before making a decision.
Bashir: A decision?
Dr. Bishop: Render judgment. Call it what you will. They've asked to talk to you tomorrow.
Bashir: Anything, in particular, they want to know?
Dr. Bishop: About the Syrian doctor who showed up out of nowhere wielding a power drill? I think they're going to want to know everything. To them, you're just a giant flashing neon sign that reads "liability, do not proceed." Tomorrow, 6:00 p.m., and wear the kind of tie you'd wear when your entire future hangs in the balance.

Bashir: Forgeries, corruption, that was supposed to be behind us.
Khaled: These are your grades, brother. You earned them. Who cares where the paper comes from?