Future Plans Transplant
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Kamir attempts to get Bash to see where Amira is coming from in her recent actions.

A rude lab tech trips and injures her hip then pushes June away when June tries to help her.

It's Mags' first day back in Emerg and she's trying to determine how to make it work with her heart restrictions.

Because of June's hand injury, Bash gets to assist Singh in surgery.

The ED keeps paging Bash so Singh tosses him out.

Bash helps Mags catch Elena, a diabetic patient who collapses.

Elena is too dependent on her 18-year-old son Griff.

Bash and Amira get into an argument over her forged application to the performing-arts school. She says he's not a good parent.

Griff gets pinned between an ambulance and a car.

Mags and Claire get into it over Devi's policy changes.

Bash is torn between Griff and Elena, who is crashing.

Leslie the lab tech apologizes to June for her prejudice.

Devi informs Theo he could be reinstated as an attending but only after he apologizes in person to Roberta.

Theo and Mags talk to each other about their situations.

The surgeons apply tourniquets to Griff's limbs and rush him inside for surgery.

Theo meets with Farrah, widow of John the chopper pilot, who absolves him of any blame.

Leslie suffers a pulmonary embolism and June blames herself for not believing Leslie about having pain in her other leg.

Mags runs a code and saves Pasha who was suffering from secondary drowning after inhaling lake water.

Bash flashes back to the Arab Spring of 2011, remembering his mother's words about rebellion. He realizes he's treating Amira the same way.

Upset about Griff, Elena overdoses on insulin, and everyone blames themselves for her death.

Griff wakes up and Bash has to break the news about Elena to him.

Claire informs Devi the nurses are moving to work-to-rule conditions.

Bash invites Mags to dinner with Amira. But he doesn't know Amira has run away.
























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Transplant Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

June: Excuse me. Is it really necessary to be so rude?
Lab Tech: Why don't you stay out of this?

Kamir: She is really belting. Yeah, you must be doing something right to instill this type of confidence.
Bash: Look, I don't think her copying my digital signature for her school application without telling me counts as something right.