Considering Rebelling Transplant S3e7
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Mags gets Bash to let Amira stay two nights at Rania's place before she has to return home.

Theo informs Devi he's not apologizing to Roberta because he refuses to be labeled as an abuser.

Tensions are high in Emerg because of the nurses' work-to-rule action, as doctors must learn to get by without the extra help that nurses usually provide.

Dr. Olsen, the medical director, cautions Devi to stop trying to make everyone happy.

Under work to rule, Claire can only serve as a nurse, not a nurse practitioner.

Bash's patient Zola, who is suffering from cancer, admits to her longtime friend Riley that she loves her. 

During surgery, Singh and Bash discover Zola has pancreatitis, not cancer.

Mags' patient Brock is having heart issues he refuses to see. She and Arnold get into it over the work-to-rule situation.

Theo's patient Solomon awakens and attempts to bolt, not a good idea on his surgically repaired leg. He's a culinary student with sickle-cell anemia who can't afford health care.

Zola sends away Riley because Riley doesn't feel the same way about her.

Brock tells Mags he's a highly sensitive person, which he claims accounts for all of his symptoms.

Claire and Theo argue over how his plan to help Solomon puts more work on the nurses.

June and Theo arrive for the dinner party at Mags' home.

Nancy and Rhoda tell Claire they're concerned the work stoppage is hurting patients.

Bash gets angry when Mags suggests how he should handle things with Amira.

June burns her hand when she and Mags start debating.

After June and Theo leave, Bash and Mags argue before falling into a passionate embrace.

The unconscious Zola is getting worse and Riley wants to speak for her.

Bash and June disagree over how to treat Zola.

Theo sets up Solomon with sample packs of drugs to treat his sickle cell.

Bash gets in trouble with Singh for passing off Riley, who urged surgery, as Zola's family.

Brock backs out of the further testing Mags had arranged, opting to live his life as he always had.

Claire shows Theo how to get Solomon the treatment he needs.

Bash decides to let Amira stay with Rania as long as she wants.

















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Transplant Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

I'm not going to apologize to Roberta Matheson and go on the record as an abuser. If you have an issue with that, let me know.

Theo [to Devi]

Mags: I'm suggesting patience.
Bash: You're suggesting I do nothing.
Mags: No, not nothing. Just take time. Get perspective.