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Randolph wakes up in the 1970s and has to contend with several people with the hope of escaping alive. 

After a rooftop chase through Berlin, Randolph makes a distress call. 

He later makes an escape from the building in one of the cars that the villains chasing him had. 

In the present, Mr. Edwards pursues former journalist Tara to meet with a political figure. 

Once she does, she is told to find his daughter and pass a family heirloom on. 

The woman lies and tells Mr. Edwards that nothing happened. 

Meanwhile, Doug is let go from the oil rig and meets with a woman in a bar. He later fights a bunch of Russians. 

The woman then takes him for a drink, but he awakens in the middle of a snowy field with a mission. 

Then there was SoYun who found her son with Game Boy. When she took it off of him, she was activated as a Cicada and set out to find out more details. 

In doing so, she was forced to moonlight as a music teacher and kill the political figure, which she did. 


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Treadstone Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Randolph: The man that I was before, would he have been able to kill them?
Man: The man you were was sent here by the CIA to murder me, and now look at you. Such Pacus. These methods of mine, I know, they are complicated. But you, you are my most promising subject. Now, Cicada.
Randolph: Cicada?
Man: An amazing little creature, sent underneath the surface for years at a time to wait. Then they awaken from their long slumber.
Randolph: And then die?
Man: Yes, but not before they fulfill their destiny. You will be a great soldier for our cause. Right now, you need your rest.

Edwards: Tell me about Treadstone?
Tracy: Treadstone, what is that?