Taskers - True Lies Season 1 Episode 6
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Helen lost Harry's lucky knife, and he's losing it.

Maria hates how boring these retreats are, but Luther is being nominated for the best salesperson.

Harry complains to Gib about how Helen is changing everything. Gib refuses to get involved.

Everyone arrives, and the planner, Eva, has a crush on Gib.

The kids are missing, and they send Luther to find them. Maria is in charge of evacuating the real salespeople.

Jann Issaces, a spy hunter, wants the spies at the conference, especially from Omega, and Gib isn't fooling him. They see at least 20 men with machine guns.

Harry plans to scare Jann and his men with Sound and Fury, making them retreat with explosives.

The kids couldn't find beer at a bar. Luther finds them and lures them with food.

Eva thinks Harry should exit through the utility room, and Gib loves that idea. Harry and Helen start fighting. He hates how she keeps changing everything while she wants to be more involved. He agrees to let her help.

The kids are suspicious of Luther when a guy with a gun starts following them.

Gib taunts Jann and tells the Taskers it's time to set off the explosives and distract Jann and his men. They're busy chasing after smoke.

Eva and Gib send Jann's men the wrong radio frequencies so they'll retreat.

Luther drives the car off the road to avoid getting shot at. Harry uses the taser Helen packed to attack Jann.

Maria realizes hanging out with the salespeople wasn't so bad, while Luthers notices being the part guy isn't easy. Gib asks Eva to dance. Harry and Helen are in a better place as they dance together.

True Lies
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True Lies Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Gib: That’s awful, but I don’t know what to tell you, Harry. You’re the one who brought her into this thing.
Harry: I know. I was trying to save my marriage.
Gib: You this right there. That’s why I don’t mix work and relationships.

Gib: Harry, are you ok?
Harry: I could be better. I’m getting dragged down the street.