Waiting for Nora - Upload
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Lucy is getting reamed out on the stand for the idea about uploading  kids and in bed, Karina seems amused by this and mentions uploading Lucy's kid, which freaks Aleesha out and doesn't sound like a joke.

Nathan starts making plans for his life now that he knows he doesn't have to upload.

He mentions wanting to go to Montreal because it's so romantic, and basically, he's thinking about proposing and getting married to Nora.

He wants to be able to support himself and make more money. He confides in Luk about this. He tells Luke he wants him to be his Best Man.

Aleesha confides in Luke about Karina and they plan to take her down.

Holden and Nora say that they need Ingrid to testify for the case, and they want Nora and Nathan to work on convincing Ingrid.

Aleesha and Luke enlists AI Guy and Tinsley for help.

Backup Nathan calls Nathan to tell him that he is going to propose to Ingrid later that night and doesn't want them to hold Ingrid up for too long. Nathan feels awkward since that was his plan with Nora.

Nora tries to talk Ingrid into testifyng and Ingrid says no. Nathan gives them a moment alone and Nora reminds ingrid that the Nathans are second class citizens without legal rights and belong to Horizen, and she wants to do this for them. Ingrid agrees to do it.

Backup Nathan brings Ingrid to a romantic location and is ready to propose, but Ingrid bolts after saying no and says it's not like she dreamed it would be. She freaks out.

Aleesha fakes being sick and wants Karina to stick around to take care of her.

Holden and Nora prep Ingrid for her testimony and Ingrid confides in Nora about her fears with Nathan.

Nora expresses her own insecurities about her relationship with Nathan and that she would like to get proposed to as well.

INgrid gets a passionate speech on the stand about her boyfriend being a person and not product, but she accidentally reveals that there are two Nathans.

Aleesha and Karina are both VR'ring from Karina's office, and Aleesha is copying all of Karina's files while Luke distracts Karian.

Aleesha and Luke celebrate the win with Aleesha kissing Luke to his surprise and then taking off.

Aleesha sends Nora the copy of everything she found and says it's from Karina.

Ingrid heads back to Lakeview and sees Backup Nathan sleeping and he left a message for her that when she's ready to wake him with a kiss for their proposal.

She says yes to him.And already runs off to plan a wedding.

They put Karina's files into the trial but they take a recess.

Ingrid invites AI Guy to her wedding as a guest. It makes him emotional that she considers him a friend.

The court is back in session and the plantiffs won. The families who lost people to the Freeyond scheme get a settlement.

And the incriminating evidence is sealed. Nora is disappointed because it doesn't change anything with uploads, and it means they aren't blowing the lid off of everything.

Aleesha fears that she'll be fired.

They put a new system in to get rid of all the copies of Uploads, so now the Nathans are in danger.

Nathan confesses his love and intentions to NOra, but they're interrupted when authoritzes ask for his identification. They arrest him for not having ID.

Horizen rolls into a new company, Betta, to erase their liabilities, and authorities raid Lakeview to kill all the copies. Backup Nathan flees for the gray zone, but  he's captured.

Betta/Horizen introduces workload for UPloads who want to work.

Nora and Ingrid are back with Nathan's mother, and they get a call from Nathan Brown.

Nathan shares that they destroyed the other Nathan, but they don't know which Nathan he is.


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Upload Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Ingrid: I've just been chasing him so long that when he finally turned around, I panicked.
Nora: You think if he likes you, maybe there's something wrong with him?
Ingrid: Yeah.
Nora: Oh, honey. Oh, your fucking parents.

I think she's too icky to date, and I've dated DJs and a magician.

Aleesha (about Karina)