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The army and the CIA argue over sending a fighter pilot into closed airspace so they can rescue the POWs. The CIA wins and the mission is aborted. Leland and Nora investigate the supposedly dead American Davis Goundry they rescued while dealing with their sexual tension and a suspicious Ian. CIA says that airspace has been closed to them and a mysterious flyer named Adam Coogan is on the mission. The CIA and the army snipe at each other. The brass gets on Leland's case, and Nora visits a stressed out Jess. Nora promises to bring Jimmy back.

Adam and Leland get in a pissing contest. Nora tries to make peace. Nora and Leland resolve to be on the rescue mission.

Nora remembers hiding the body of their commander with Leland. Ian knows something's wrong. Nora takes pills.

Ian banters with CIA lady, and Ian suggests a way to open the air space. Leland and Nora fly and banter to prove to Adam they can fly the mission.

Ian expresses jealousy over Leland, and he knows Nora isn’t telling the truth. Earlier, Nora and Leland resolve to find out the truth about Goundry and then come clean. Jimmy deals with his captivity, including an escape attempt.

Leland and Nora fly some Congresspeople, and Ian's mom is a Congresswoman who does not approve of Nora. Adam shoots some oil drums to impress the congresspeople. 

Everyone dresses up and attends a military ball. CIA lady gets pissy with Nora. Leland confesses that the nurse he fought Adam over died and he loved her. Congresswoman doesn't like Nora. Leland's contact in admin tips them off that the CIA is on to them. Nora remembers Somalia and tells Ian she and Leland have been talking but not the whole truth. The team is called and the mission is planned. 

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Valor Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

I don’t like wasting time with dog and pony shows.


He was using us to render an American citizen.
