Happy - WandaVision Season 1
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Sleeping in twin beds, Wanda and Vision wake up to a noise. They realize it was just a tree. Wanda turns their beds into a queen.

Vision and Wanda practice their magic act for the community talent show fundraiser, without using real magic.

Wanda finds a toy helicopter that is in color.

Agnes and Wanda head to the planning committee meeting, where Wanda meets Dottie, the leader of the committee. She also meets Geraldine, who looks a lot like Monica Rambeau.

Vision goes to the neighborhood watch meeting, where the men just gossip. Vision accidentally swallows a piece of gum.

Dotties raises suspicions about Wanda and Vision to Wanda, and they then hear someone calling Wanda's name over the radio. The radio breaks and Dottie breaks a glass in her hand. Her blood is in color.

Vision arrives at the talent show just before he and Wanda are supposed to go on. The gum is messing with him and he is acting as if he is drunk.

During their act, Vision uses actual magic and Wanda uses her magic to cover it up.

After the act, Wanda gets the gum out of Vision.

Dottie awards Wanda and Vision with the inaugural Comedy Performance of the Year.

When they arrive home, Wanda finds herself to be pregnant.

Wanda and Vision hear the noise again and they go outside. They see a beekeeper climb out of a manhole. Wanda panics and reverses the scene to when she found out she was pregnant.

Their world changes from black and white to color.

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WandaVision Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Agnes: Wanda, can I give you a bit of friendly advice?
Wanda: Is it about the way I'm dressed?
Agnes: Yes, but it's too late for that.

Today, we will lie to you, and yet you will believe our little deceptions because human beings are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe.
